America then and now…

WWII-NormandyAs events in Syria continue to shape the news, I thought it interesting how the conversation has shifted somewhat to whether or not the U.S. has a “moral responsibility” to act. Additionally, the question of how America sees things in relation to other historical snapshots taken before military action is also up for debate. As part of that debate, I would offer this.

The last five years have seen great “change” in our country. Our government is attempting to douse the flames of a devastating economic downturn with the gasoline of fiscal irresponsibility. Our children are bombarded by violent media daily, and are falling behind the world. They’re spoon fed the Founder’s faults as opposed to the greatness of their achievements, all while mediocrity is embraced and 2+2 no longer necessarily = 4 in the classroom. And finally our culture, once the envy of the world, is being relentlessly diluted by an ideological pursuit of a false utopia of collectivism.

So I think the message to President Obama and the John McCain types in their respective briefing rooms and town halls is a simple one. By and large, American resolve in the face of obvious evil around the globe has never been in doubt. But it has also been reinforced by the successes and strengths born of liberty and freedom, those beacons necessary to light the way. When these things are in question right here at home, “We the People” understand clearly that any success abroad will depend on the example set at home.

(Note: I am not an “isolationist” by any means, but history demonstrates there are indeed times when we must look inward first.)


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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