
120817_kathleen_sebelius_mahaskey_605Listening to HHS Secretary Sebelius attempt to explain “Obamacare” was almost as painful as listening to the President at Boston’s Faneuil Hall today, try and compare the law which bears his nickname to that of “Romneycare”.

Two things did jump out at me though. Firstly, it’s nothing short of awe inspiring to witness the level of loyalty afforded this President by his underlings. One must assume they would go to their graves professing Mr. Obama knew absolutely nothing about most anything having to do with his presidency. And second, I would have so much more respect for the man if he would just dispense with the lies and manipulation. The jig is up Mr. President. There are no more elections to be won. Go ahead and ride that Socialist wave, would ya…?

All kidding aside, President Obama took great pains to compare the roll out of “Obamacare” to that of “Romneycare”, and nothing could be further from reality. The Massachusetts law was a “bi-partisan” effort, predicated at the state level with built-in funding mechanisms and no tax increases.  And while there were start-up miscues, even Mitt Romney released a statement today basically saying the two could not have been more different.

Now many have said these matters should in fact be left to the states, and they are correct. But I would direct you to the dozen or so instances throughout this President’s abbreviated political career where he clearly calls for a “transition” from a partial entitlement for those without insurance to a completely nationalized single-payer system. It is and has been the stated goal of Barack Obama in his own words.

Truth be told, you will hear no panic in this POTUS’s voice. All is going according to plan.


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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