Of pilgrims, refugees, and able-bodied military age men…

maxresdefaultIt seems re-writing history has become the hallmark of the Obama presidency. Mr. Obama’s propensity to mold and shape past events to fit his ideological view of our nation and the freedom granted it by God, would actually be entertaining if it were not so misguided and un-American.

Frankly, comparing the plight of Syrian refugees to the anguish and suffering of the Puritans of the 17th century, speaks volumes about the president’s “vision” of the historical beginnings of our free nation. In fact half of the Separatists could not even make the trip because their second ship was disabled shortly after the journey to “a new land” began, with Pastor John Robinson remaining behind never to witness his dream come to fruition. And nearly half of those who did sail on the Mayflower died before the end of the first winter in America and were buried on Cole’s Hill. There are volumes written of the hardships that brought those faithful souls to the brink of obliteration Mr. President, if you have any interest in reading them.

Mothers literally froze to death covering their babies with their own bodies so they might survive to see another sunrise, and many of the young children had to see to the daily tasks of survival because most of the adults were simply too weak from scurvy and other diseases to collect firewood and the like. This is hardly what we’re seeing on our televisions today, with more than 60% of those fleeing a war torn Syria they themselves allowed to continue over generations, being healthy able-bodied military age males. I’m sorry my fellow Americans, but those are the real numbers as are being reported by many relief agencies on the ground in bordering countries, and not the skewed UNHCR’s political numbers. And no Mr. President, the real story of “the Pilgrims”, what exactly they were fleeing and why, and the horrific events which punctuated their early days in Plymouth, are obviously facts you’re unwilling to promote. And indeed it is a true story of unimaginable faith, freedom and self-governance, and flies directly in the face of everything you’ve ever been taught (or not taught) about this country and its foundational tenets.

And so once again we find ourselves listening to our president and what sounds more like a professorial lecture than a debate or discussion on real solutions to serious national problems. Thankfully we come back to the ticking clock which will inevitably bring us to January 20, 2017, a date which we may begin the long journey back from this sad eight year academic exercise in revisionist futility, and hopefully to a new and safer beginning for our posterity. Amen…

NOTE: To be clear, I’m not suggesting by any means that our great country abandon its unequaled moral compass. To the contrary, our elected leaders must find a way to stand for humanity and embrace those of good intent. But they must first be true to their oaths and protect the necessary structure and people of the United States. Without those basic assurances, it is impossible for America to be liberty’s light to rest of the world, unfettered by the ideological hatred and barbarism of the enemies of freedom.



About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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