Don’t hold your breath…

la-me-ln-san-bernardino-club-shooting-warrants-20150305Denial is one thing, ideology is quite another. President Barack Obama is clearly of the latter category, and he makes no bones about it. So for those looking for the POTUS to run to the nearest lectern and state what to most of us is the obvious concerning the events in San Bernardino, you’d do well not to hold your breath.

You see, Mr. Obama believes in a global community where America does not lead, but rather is an equal partner with all nations. He does not see the United States (or its people) as exceptional, nor does he see our founding documents as unique in terms of the God-given freedoms they outline, and thus he certainly doesn’t acknowledge “Islamic terrorism” as necessarily a priority threat unlike other threats. The president does believe however, that our great nation has become a global power at the expense of other nations, as opposed to having lead the free world out of tyranny and self-annihilation and back to peace and prosperity countless times in its short history, and at a great cost of blood and treasure to be sure. Hell, just read his books. It’s all in there…

Now I’d love to debate the president on American history as well as the true foundational tenets of our country specific, and with no impending election for either of us, I’m sure it would be an interesting debate. I think what I’m trying to say here, is that we get the government we choose. And therefore we should not be surprised when a president stays true to his ideology and governs in that way. No my fellow Americans, this is on us, “We the People”. And if we continue to ignore and excuse (vote) away our hard-fought liberty and the value systems entrusted to us by our forefathers and mothers, for the sake of irresponsible political correctness and any perceived comfort associated with it, then we will continue to witness consequences not unlike the events in San Bernardino and Colorado Springs.

To be clear, my heart is broken for the families of those who must go on without their loved ones. It’s a pain I understand and it’s immeasurable. And I’m not suggesting these types of atrocities are either inevitable or completely avoidable. I’m simply saying that it’s not “God’s job to fix” any of our messes. It’s our job with the free will He gives us. And we can step up by doing the hard work as families first. Then, as citizens of a free republic under law, we can ensure that our “elected” officials never be given a pass on what “We the People” expect of them on behalf of our children. Those same politicians must also never be allowed to glaze over the tough stuff of addressing our flailing inner city communities and societal ills, opting instead for the easier road of demagoguery and pandering for political gain (Gun Control and the like…).

In the end we should demand “truth and reason” first, and a steadfast adherence to the Constitution and the intent of its authors. Mind you, this would just be the start of a long journey from a place we’ve allowed ourselves to be in over time by way of our own complacency and voting habits. So let’s learn the lessons, get educated, join together, reach deep, choose our leaders wisely, except the truth, have faith, and damn it, fight off the enemies of freedom. You can bet it’s gonna be a little messy out of the gate, but we can do this. As Americans, we can do this for our children! 2016!



About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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Remember, "truth and reason" first...