Imagine the threat in Michigan…


Alexander Mercurio

So this maladjusted little dweeb planned to project his grotesque insecurities onto an unsuspecting church gathering this past Sunday, in the resort city of Coeur d’Alene, in Northern Idaho. So “truly horrific” was his plan to shoot and behead the innocent in the name of ISIS, that it’s a good damn thing the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force nailed this puke before he could carry out his plan. 

So, I wonder who among you are paying attention. Maybe someone of the leftist persuasion could comment below, how open borders and the absence of any discernable immigration policy helps the cause of this once great but foundering republic. Moreover, how do thousands of Muslims protesting in Dearborn, Michigan, screaming “death to America, death to Israel”, not seem problematic to this administration, or for that matter, any of the leftist fools?   

We are at war, fellow patriots! To stick your head in the sand at this juncture is tantamount to greenlighting the hostile and eventually violent takeover of your children’s country. The border crises has only heightened the threat level by way of sheer numbers of unchecked illegal aliens, to the point where the FBI Director himself has stated before Congress he’s never seen its equal.  

Consequently, time is short. The November election will require that you park your ideology/feelings in the silliness driveway, and adopt a steadfast and focused posture of common sense and readiness. Your children and grandchildren are depending on you. 


FBI Director Christopher Wray

This entry was posted in America, Benghazi, Congress, Election 2024, Elections, Faith, FBI, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, ISIS, Islamo-Fascist, Middle East, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Border, WOKE and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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