Ignorance + Hate = Elite American Universities Today…

So near 23 years removed from the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil, and one of the most defining moments in this nation’s history, we see the product of our apathy and political failures, manifested in our misguided youth, abandoning the culture and value sets which gave rise to their very existence on these campuses, and instead embracing the murderous violence and ideological hatred that is the anti-Israel terrorist organization, Hamas.

Sadly, the problem is much more complicated than just self-induced ignorance when it comes to the lessons of an anti-semitic mindset as it relates to the Middle East conflict(s). You see it’s more about their conditioning for these types of “protests”, and how far beyond “petitioning of the government for the redress of grievances”, as enumerated in the First Amendment, they’ve actually gone. It also speaks to the spread of a contagion we’ve seen before, which has caused the violent deaths of millions around the globe over generations. So pervasive and lethal is its spread, that it now appears to have poisoned an entire generation. You know of course, I’m talking about the collective communism/socialism/fascism influence in America, compliments of the American Left. Ironically, the average lefty college student today, has no understanding that they themselves are all they claim to loath. Go figure…

Now add in the Islamist agitators, and those with true nefarious and anti-American intent, like ANTIFA and BLM to the mix, with our fragile and hygienically challenged post millennial types, and the result is the kind of disrespectful and dangerous display we’re seeing play out at Columbia and campuses nation-wide.

Unfortunately, I believe we’ve moved past simple dialogue and debate, as what I’m describing does not lend itself to those conventional mediations and/or solutions. Mind you, the Soros folks have no interest in either, anyway. We are now entering unchartered territory folks, a place where the rule of law must come first. And if some would cross the line which separates lawful protest and violent anarchy, (especially if it’s their intention to do so), then for the good of “We the People” and the republic, that person should be arrested and prosecuted under applicable law.

Now does this administration or its “Justice” Department have intention to enforce the law equally and without bias? I think not… They are simply too consumed with all things MAGA, abortion, trans, DEI, and Trump to be bothered. “Equal justice under the law” is in flux in America. And I submit to all of you, it is the reason for this country’s current posture on the world stage, and it’s deeply troubling. At this juncture, I truly believe we will need another “Greatest Generation” to save us from ourselves.

Some years back, a young charismatic and biracial politician who would become president, encouraged and promoted fundamental change in America. Well my friends, we’re seeing exactly what that “fundamental change” looks like. The question is, what does it look like to you. Think about that. You don’t have much time…


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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