Of slings and arrows and shut downs…

1_photoThe government shutdown is certainly politics in its rawest form, with both sides vying for a toehold on the issue of a continuing resolution that would only fund the government until November 15 (Senate) or December 15 (House). That aside, the President and ole’ Harry Reid have been masterful if you will, at demonizing Republicans for asking that what Mr. Obama has already granted to larger businesses be so granted to the average American.

look, I’ve been consistent in that I believe Republicans should have done a much better job defending against the nightmare that is “Obamacare” back in 2009. Nevertheless, there are a number of Conservative Senators and Congress people who campaigned on a simple pledge to do all in their power to derail the President’s signature contribution to our nation’s massive debt. At present they are simply making good on those promises as it is their Constitutional right and responsibility. Moreover, the President himself may even have violated his oath as well as the law, by unilaterally manipulating and amending the “law of the land”, as he affectionately terms the “Affordable” Care Act. (Section 3 article II of the U.S. Constitution)

Ultimately, both sides look pretty desperate right now and it’s hard to see a clear winner. It certainly won’t be the America People, that’s for sure. For my part, I reluctantly come down on the Republican side for two simple reasons. Firstly, and no matter what the POTUS says, his law was/is very unpopular. Most Americans would be happier if it just went away. And secondly, the President, by word and deed, has shown himself to be the most arrogant, divisive and irresponsible Chief Executive in U.S. Presidential history. He has failed on every level to lead. In doing so he’s allowed an atmosphere of ideological impenetrability to take hold in a way unlike at any time in recent memory. Barack Obama, a wholly unqualified community organizer from Illinois, was swept into office on a wave of voter discontent for which he promised “hope and change”. He has since squandered what many believe was a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring about the kind of change that makes history for all the right reasons. Instead, it appears he too is incapable of rising above the Washington fray to the good we all know this country desperately needs and deserves.


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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