Obama’s “WAR”…

imagesI think the POTUS might be right, at least to the extent “ISIS” is not “Islamic” per se. I would add however, there is at least a quasi “religious” component to the Islamic States of Iraq and Syria, as I believe there is with al-Qaeda, and it is that their leadership use Islam as a ready vehicle for criminal murder, rape and human rights violations, as well as a mechanism to influence and draw the young and downtrodden to their ranks. You see it was no surprise to me when Bin laden was killed hiding amongst women and children and surrounded by pornographic movies and magazines, not fighting beside dedicated “Jihadists” bent on world domination in the name of Allah. That was just a charade, despite his alleged “heroics” post Mujahedeen activities in Afghanistan during the Russian occupation. The truth is that while there are most certainly those who feed off the blood of the innocent to further a warped, inhuman and sadistic ideology, many are simply drawn to the inclusive lawlessness, power, and money associated with a conquering and unopposed force for evil. You see, carrying the banner of religion allows these murdering frauds to lay claim to credibility, thus in their minds, validating their cause as advertised. But make no mistake, the perks of an accountability free operation, will always be an attraction to criminals of the most brutal sort.

Accordingly, the “war on terror” is just that, a war against those who would use terrible acts to scare off justice and freedom. And this type of war can be fought in only one way. To combat an armed and brutal adversary with zero regard for humanity, one must use superior and terminal force against that adversary until the threat is eradicated. Now eradicated may be to specific a word in the global context. Nevertheless, overwhelming force, combined with the moral resolve of a leader who understands and can communicate the threat to freedoms people around the world, will undoubtedly make that world safer for our children.


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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