Post midterm…

660ObamaMcConnell_20141105_102428After yesterday’s midterm elections, and laying aside the fact my home state of Rhode Island remains a microcosm for what’s wrong with our republic, it appears the Obama agenda has finally been derailed. Admittedly I believe this is a good day for the country, but many questions remain. Let’s examine some of those.

  1. Will the battle for the soul of the Republican Party compromise its collective ability to govern effectively?
  2. Will Democrats break ranks with the President and proceed in their own states and (re-election) best interests?
  3. How (and how quickly) will Republicans address a host of critical issues, not the least of which are “Obamacare”, immigration reform, staggering national debt, and a propped up “house of cards” economy?

Clearly the American electorate are a fickle bunch, as demonstrated by yesterday’s returns. They expect change with positive results, but they’re not too keen on waiting for it. In fact, many are blind to their role in the very change they seek, as evidenced by the above mentioned and apparently self-imposed ignorance of the majority of voters in my home state. Notwithstanding that enigma, here are some questions for “We the People” as well.

  1. Will Americans find their way back to “the pursuit of happiness” as written, and not a political promise of it?
  2. Will they teach their children that the “general welfare” is just that, general? And will they remind them that government shall not provide it but rather only “promote it”?
  3. Will they teach their children of liberty, hard work, sacrifice and the rule of law, as means to a fruitful and rewarding life, or will entitlement and the crushing debt of a dependent society be the gifts we leave the next generation?
  4. And finally, will Americans acknowledge and pass to their children, a storied national history, that while not perfect, is undeniably the best arrangement for mankind under God, and has done more for the betterment of same than any nation in human history?

In either case, it’s never actually about the candidates. Truth be told, it’s much more about you and me and the degree to which we are committed to that time-honored tradition of leaving our posterity a better country than the one left to us. Regrettably, the generation which understood this best, by way of their experiences and understanding of our nation’s fundamental tenets, is rapidly fading into history. This leaves only the selfish “Baby Boomer” academics and elitists, whose only concerns are how they may manipulate and remake freedom and the Constitution to their own self-interest, and who are most certainly robbing our children of their rightful inheritance. Remember this when you vote my fellow Americans, and know that we sit precariously on a timing line if you will, and that whatever political decisions we make today, our children will surly answer for tomorrow.


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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