Another day in the life of the real president…

I’m curious, does anyone still believe the NY AG Bragg’s case against Donald Trump is legitimate? Asking for like, well, everyone with a brain.

I really do hate writing about the same stuff all the time, but it just seems every day there are more salacious and absurd revelations in this case, and not about Trump. LOL! No, it’s the prosecution that’s making the headlines, lately. Heck, even the judge in the case is as conflicted as the major university hierarchies trying to decide if they want to graduate their hard working students, or kiss the asses of a bunch of aspiring terrorists.

So now we find out, Trump prosecutor and Ex Biden DOJ official Matt Colangelo, was a paid political consultant for the DNC. Wait, what?!?! I mean, if the tables were turned, the mistrial banner would be atop every cable news network channel. Moreover, we now have Judge Juan Merchan threatening Trump with jail time if he so much as answers a reporters question, screamed at him from the press line outside the building where equal justice under the law is said to be meted out.

Oh, and just for the record, If you think for one minute, the Biden camp hasn’t been knee deep in this BS from the outset, well, there’s just not a lot I can do for you. Bottom line, they cannot run against this man on the issues. They know they can’t. It’s election interference folks, plain and simple.

On a lighter note for 45, It seems as though every witness the prosecution calls weakens the case against the former president even further. I read the transcripts of the Hope Hicks testimony, and frankly, I was left wondering how any juror votes to convict. But then again, it is New York.

Nevertheless, I’m quite sure, history will not look kindly on this political persecution of a leading presidential candidate. In fact, it may very well end up being the defining moment in the downfall of this great republic. It will be up to us.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Civil Rights, Constitutionality, Election 2024, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Joe Biden, Presidential Election 2016, TDS!, Terrorism, The Press, The United States, WOKE | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Jesus is my lifeboat…

And one that always shows up just in time to save me. Ya know, navigating this world as a Christian can be challenging to say the least. My pastor told me back in 2014 that it would be that way, but I suppose I didn’t understand it at the time. He also said that what God had planned for me might not look anything like what I had planned for myself, and he was right.

So when “the evil one” is in my face and it seems like he might be winning, Jesus sends along a lifeboat. Now that lifeboat may come in the form of my baby granddaughter watching me intently with her beautiful and adoring eyes, as I sing to her and rock her to sleep. Or maybe a conversation with my wife while we take an evening walk, and the busy days tensions melt away. It can even be a few minutes when I sit and watch an episode of “The Chosen”, my favorite television mini-series. But every so often He sends me an unmistakably obvious sign, usually in the form of a fellow Christian(s), co-navigating this flailing world, and who have a story to tell which inspires me to get back in the game or just play harder.

So when I met Sheila and her husband, Dr. and Minister Ian Hall in Lakeland Florida this past week, the connection was almost immediate. As a writer, having interviewed and written about dozen’s of pastors, ministers and missionaries, I can actually feel the Holy Spirit when in the presence of true people of God, and the Hall’s are the real deal to be sure.

Sheila was happy to share with me about the couples mission work in Romania and other places. Turns out she even knows a pastor whom I admire greatly. She also told me of her husband’s writing and a number of books he’d written on things like “the simple steps to a holy life”. As she spoke of the couples experiences I could feel myself lifted. I knew their work was changing lives for Christ, and this is always uplifting for me. To be around such folks in the midst of so much turmoil always seems to do me good. In fact, there has been turmoil in my own life lately, but once again God showed up and calmed the seas so my ship might pass.

Well I saw the Hall’s again some days later, and Sheila did take the opportunity to give me two autographed books, written by the Dr. Hall, “Called To A Practical Holy Life”, and “Times of Renewal”.  So it never ceases to amaze me how God is always there, working in the background, whether we realize it or not. And I’m thankful every day that He never forgets me. I look forward to reading Dr. Hall’s books, as I’m sure they will only augment my short time with he and Sheila and allow me to extrapolate more, of another one of His very much planned interactions in my life.

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Ignorance + Hate = Elite American Universities Today…

So near 23 years removed from the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil, and one of the most defining moments in this nation’s history, we see the product of our apathy and political failures, manifested in our misguided youth, abandoning the culture and value sets which gave rise to their very existence on these campuses, and instead embracing the murderous violence and ideological hatred that is the anti-Israel terrorist organization, Hamas.

Sadly, the problem is much more complicated than just self-induced ignorance when it comes to the lessons of an anti-semitic mindset as it relates to the Middle East conflict(s). You see it’s more about their conditioning for these types of “protests”, and how far beyond “petitioning of the government for the redress of grievances”, as enumerated in the First Amendment, they’ve actually gone. It also speaks to the spread of a contagion we’ve seen before, which has caused the violent deaths of millions around the globe over generations. So pervasive and lethal is its spread, that it now appears to have poisoned an entire generation. You know of course, I’m talking about the collective communism/socialism/fascism influence in America, compliments of the American Left. Ironically, the average lefty college student today, has no understanding that they themselves are all they claim to loath. Go figure…

Now add in the Islamist agitators, and those with true nefarious and anti-American intent, like ANTIFA and BLM to the mix, with our fragile and hygienically challenged post millennial types, and the result is the kind of disrespectful and dangerous display we’re seeing play out at Columbia and campuses nation-wide.

Unfortunately, I believe we’ve moved past simple dialogue and debate, as what I’m describing does not lend itself to those conventional mediations and/or solutions. Mind you, the Soros folks have no interest in either, anyway. We are now entering unchartered territory folks, a place where the rule of law must come first. And if some would cross the line which separates lawful protest and violent anarchy, (especially if it’s their intention to do so), then for the good of “We the People” and the republic, that person should be arrested and prosecuted under applicable law.

Now does this administration or its “Justice” Department have intention to enforce the law equally and without bias? I think not… They are simply too consumed with all things MAGA, abortion, trans, DEI, and Trump to be bothered. “Equal justice under the law” is in flux in America. And I submit to all of you, it is the reason for this country’s current posture on the world stage, and it’s deeply troubling. At this juncture, I truly believe we will need another “Greatest Generation” to save us from ourselves.

Some years back, a young charismatic and biracial politician who would become president, encouraged and promoted fundamental change in America. Well my friends, we’re seeing exactly what that “fundamental change” looks like. The question is, what does it look like to you. Think about that. You don’t have much time…

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, 9/11, America, Civil Rights, Congress, Constitutionality, Crime, Education, Election 2024, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, God and Country, History, Immigration, International, Islamo-Fascist, Judiciary, Media, Middle East, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Race, Racism, Religion, Right vs. Left, TDS!, Terrorism, The Border, The United States, WOKE | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

‘Bragg”adocios, but not too bright…

So Alvin Bragg, the portly chipmunk New York DA with TDS, who can frequently be found at the local DD or Starbucks near the courthouse, is twisting and contorting a simple misdemeanor, trying desperately to make a case that even the Feds admitted lacked the necessary legal prerequisite/standing for a felony wrap against President Donald Trump. Moreover, even Democrats masquerading as Republicans, like Mitt Romney, who basically loath Trump lower than whale turds, feel this is a slippery slope at best. And while that’s probably because they might be in the crosshairs of some rogue-commie DA with nefarious intent themselves someday, if these reprobate phonies are panicked, beware. Lets face it, this abuse of legal authority, or “lawfare” as some pundits are calling it, speaks to the “in your face” and purposeful degradation of the American justice system, and how it’s a clear and present danger to this free republic and everything it stands for.

It should also be noted that the judge in the case, Democrat Juan Merchan, is more than sympathetic to “the cause” if you will, that being, everything and anything must be done to keep President Trump from running against the worst president in the history of this country, regardless of his sacred judiciary charge under the 14th Amendment, which provides that “[n]o State shall … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” So in fact, Merchan’s gag order against Trump and his legal team is nothing short of unconstitutional, and more likely election interference.

In the end, the likelihood of a fair trial for 45 is, well, unlikely. I say this because I’ve been very consistent in my belief that these Constitutional hits, as well as all of our political woes of the day, are a direct result of voter ignorance and taught ideological hatred (Nazi Germany 1933) on multiple levels. And so long as lefties in states like New York keep electing these socialists and communists to positons of power, the above mentioned Constitutional right to “equal justice under the law” will be unachievable, at least and until successful appeals outside of their purview are realized.

And lastly, I’d like for you all to consider what something like this would mean if it were you in Trump’s position. Could you afford to defend against such blatant tyranny? Do you think you’d stand a chance against this type of fraudulent application of the law by so large an entity as your government? Well do you? I didn’t think so. With that in mind, consider your vote(s) going forward, because it’s coming. History tells us, it always does.






Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Constitutionality, Election 2024, Elections, Fred Comella, God and Country, History, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Right vs. Left, The United States, WOKE | Leave a comment

“The View” from below…

One thing’s for sure when it comes to the daytime TV nightmare, “The View”, and that is it does provide a window into the mean-spirited and twisted mindset of the left in America today. The dialogue and on-camera antics of the likes of Joy Behar and “Whoopi pie” Goldberg are the clearest measure of how the insecurities and ideological weirdness of the modern democrat are a clear and present danger to the founding principles of this free republic.

Consequently, it’s high time “We the People” take stock of and recognize their unhinged and hate-filled rhetoric for what it truly is. These people are everything they claim to abhor, and won’t be satisfied until Donald Trump is in prison, along with all of the “MAGA” folks who believe in true freedom of speech, and the Constitutional principals of the United States which so many have fought and died for. Even a brief read of history tells us that Behar, Goldberg, and all the media types who share their “views”, are regurgitating the sinister notions of tyrants like Hitler and Stalin. Censorship, jailing your political opponents, and total control of the media message we hear, are on the tips of their tongues in nearly every broadcast.

Imagine if you will, a program with a Conservative leaning cast espousing the View’s approach and tactic’s toward their fellow cast members and guests who happened to be liberal. Don’t bother, because that’s not how we role. And frankly, it wouldn’t be tolerated by the media elites in network control rooms across this nation, anywhere near the degree to which it’s tolerated for ignorant asses like Joy and Whoopi pie.

Ultimately though, I’m happy to know who/where the true socialist/communist operators are in this country. And while the reprobate network types think they have the American people bamboozled for the most part, in fact they have become useful idiots for we patriots, allowing us to see the real enemy, so we may face the threat head on.




Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Constitutionality, Election 2024, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Hollywood, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden, Race, Racism, Right vs. Left, TDS!, The Press, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Imagine the threat in Michigan…

Alexander Mercurio

So this maladjusted little dweeb planned to project his grotesque insecurities onto an unsuspecting church gathering this past Sunday, in the resort city of Coeur d’Alene, in Northern Idaho. So “truly horrific” was his plan to shoot and behead the innocent in the name of ISIS, that it’s a good damn thing the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force nailed this puke before he could carry out his plan. 

So, I wonder who among you are paying attention. Maybe someone of the leftist persuasion could comment below, how open borders and the absence of any discernable immigration policy helps the cause of this once great but foundering republic. Moreover, how do thousands of Muslims protesting in Dearborn, Michigan, screaming “death to America, death to Israel”, not seem problematic to this administration, or for that matter, any of the leftist fools?   

We are at war, fellow patriots! To stick your head in the sand at this juncture is tantamount to greenlighting the hostile and eventually violent takeover of your children’s country. The border crises has only heightened the threat level by way of sheer numbers of unchecked illegal aliens, to the point where the FBI Director himself has stated before Congress he’s never seen its equal.  

Consequently, time is short. The November election will require that you park your ideology/feelings in the silliness driveway, and adopt a steadfast and focused posture of common sense and readiness. Your children and grandchildren are depending on you. 


FBI Director Christopher Wray

Posted in America, Benghazi, Congress, Election 2024, Elections, Faith, FBI, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, ISIS, Islamo-Fascist, Middle East, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Border, WOKE | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Is MedGlobal on board with Dr. Thaer Ahmad???

Israeli tank on patrol.

Listen carefully people, because this is really getting old. And frankly, I’m growing weary of the argument.

To be clear, decent folks don’t want to see the kind of destruction and bloodshed we’re seeing in Gaza. But the unfortunate reality is that there is a war going on, and the State of Israel is responding to one of the most brutal and inhuman terrorist assaults on a sovereign nation in recent memory. In fact, and for some context, the final number of 1139 killed would be the equivalent of the deaths of near 50,000 Americans. Moreover, the savage butchery of October 7th, included the sadistic dismemberment and murders of more than 35 innocent children. Add in the macabre torture, rape and mutilation of many of the victims, as well as the 101 hostages believed still alive and held in secret underground locations beneath Gaza, can anyone fault the Israeli government for its response?

So when I read that this Dr. Thaer Ahmad character of MedGlobal walked out of a meeting with “President” Biden recently, stating he and many “Palestinian” Americans, as well as other Muslims and Arabs in his community, were “reeling” and “grieving” over what is going on in Gaza, I wanted to throw up. This doctor went on to say he wasn’t “satisfied” with the administration’s actions thus far concerning the war.

Ok, so I get it. But once again, this is war, and war in the 21st Century, where folks are watching in real time. No loss of life, especially those not directly related to the conflict is a good thing to be sure. But it will happen. And, when we consider the long standing ideological posture in Gaza, as well as their stated culture of unadulterated hatred for the Jewish people, demanding a sympathetic ear, and/or action unreasonable between military allies is nonsensical at best.

So if Ahmed truly wants an end to this nightmare, and if his motivations are as he says they are, then maybe he should go to Gaza and appeal to the Hamas terrorist leadership, as well as those sympathetic to their cause, and negotiate for the immediate release of the hostages and surrender of the criminal monsters responsible for the war crimes committed on October 7th of last year. I’m quite sure there would be an immediate end to hostilities. Ironically, I believe the good doctor is well aware of this. Short of that type of action or similar agreement, the war will go on until Israel achieves its goal of obliterating Hamas.


Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, International, Islamo-Fascist, Middle East, Military, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

TDS is endangering our country, literally…

When a candidate for public office in America, campaigns pledging a singular and focused attack against one man and his family if elected, most clear thinking and free individuals would see this as, well, problematic. But that’s New York in 2024, “problematic”…

Now we can talk all day about Trump’s business dealings, and how they don’t differ from those of many in his line of work. And we can argue, (though their arguments are laughable), about how one pathetic excuse for a judge, can value a peace of Florida beach front property that any real-estate professional worth his/her salt would estimate at literally hundreds of millions of dollars, at just 18 million dollars, has ANY business judging ANYONE. And we can even debate a case with no victims, and expert banking industry witnesses who actually praise the defendant’s business dealings as hugely “bigly” profitable for all involved. But I think it’s fair to say, the case of New York AG “Tish” James vs. DJT has been nothing but a reprehensible sham, as well as an attempt to meddle in a national election.

In the end what we have here is a justice system, both at the local and federal levels, which has ignored the rule of law and compromised our republic. And when equal justice under that law for all stops being the primary objective of the Judicial Branch of government in the United States, the proverbial wheels come off the train, with the other two branches soon to follow.

I might add here, the notion that elements of this NY Battle Royale have much to do with race is simply laughable. Donald John Trump has done more to benefit and advance America and ALL Americans, than Letitia “Tish” James has ever or will ever do. FACT! 


Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Civil Rights, Election 2024, Elections, Judiciary, Law Enforcement, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Donald Trump, Race, Racism, Right vs. Left, TDS!, The United States | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Easter 2024… Get right with God, folks.

I don’t believe there’s been a time when the message of Easter has been more import to the longevity of this free republic. This will be a short post, fellow patriots. Simply put, God cannot be happy with our nation or its current posture. Consequently, the following passages constitute my Easter 2024 message to all of you reading this.

Isaiah 53:5 New King James Version (NKJV)

“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed”.

Ezekiel 14:6 (NKJV)

“Therefore say to the house of Israel, Thus says the Lord God : Repent, turn away from your idols, and turn your faces away from all your abominations”.

II Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Christianity, Election 2024, Faith, Fred Comella, God and Country, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Fight Ahead… (From 2016)

This is an interesting draft I came across while doing some site maintenance and prep work for the planned additions and expansions of my site. (Yes folks, the time has finally come). But as I read my own words from back in 2016, I couldn’t help but think about how important that election was, but also about how it was actually only the precursor for what will be, the “most pivotal” election, not in the “last 100 years”, but in the history of this great republic. So read on and tell me what you think of my foresight.



My apologies to my faithful band of Patriots, however I’m still in the throes of re-locating and the task has been daunting. Nevertheless, I’ve been watching and listening to the back and forth on the right over establishment vs. outsider. And what is abundantly clear, to me anyway, are the numbers. Folks are coming out in unprecedented waves from both parties to vote for Donald Trump in a way that we’ve simply never seen before. Despite blistering attacks from every direction, and a Republican primary campaign more bloody than the last Rambo movie, the billionaire investor/real-estate tycoon appears to have been cast in the role of “presumptive nominee” out of 17 originally auditioning.

On the Democrat side, there is a very obvious disdain for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the train load of political baggage she brings to the station. Add that to her less than amiable personality and the Obama disenfranchised, bring in a Socialist old coot with a sack full of empty and unrealistic promises for the entitled and don’t know any better millennials, and it appears the Dem’s have their own set of (2016 Presidential Election) issues.

Now I’m more of a big picture guy, so here’s my take going forward to the general. The silent majority have had it with political “correctness”, and the psychobabble being shoved down their throats on a daily basis by the left wing press. They are seeing the light and fearing for the children’s future, and it’s about damn time! Sadly for Clinton, this group includes many so-called independents who crossed over at the coffee house for the “mixed race” candidate because they thought they’d be viewed as somehow more tolerant as well as the aforementioned “politically correct”, and who are now sorely regretting that action. On the other hand, Mr. Trump should know, that while he has been playing to the “primary crowd” of late, general elections are much more problematic in terms of verbal and personal assaults, two tactics that tend to work much better for the Libs.

Anyway, and in the most simplistic of terms, this election will likely be the most pivotal in the last 100 years. It will also be a complete and total reflection of the will and mindset of the American people in 2016. Therefore, my prediction is bracketed on either side by both my faith in the Founders efforts, and my lack of it in the free people of my country in the 21st Century. Ultimately, our children’s future hangs in the balance.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, History, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged | 1 Comment

Bearer of Bad News… 2024

Well, 2023 is winding down, and it seems only to have been a dress rehearsal for a coming year far worse than anything we can imagine. All of the things that made our nation good and decent in the world, and that made America a shining light on a hill, are in flux. The people and politicians our Founders warned us about, have been legitimized by the left, and are now emboldened and hell bent on destroying this republic.

Now I’m not going to reiterate what my patriot friends and supporters already understand with clarity, this day. Suffice it to say, the times I thought would come in my granddaughters life, are here now. The war for the soul of a nation is here now. And the battle between good and evil is upon us.

So while I’ll continue to write and defend the aspirations of a people, whose God given freedom guides them and their families every day, I will leave you with this on December 31.

2024 will test “We the People” like never before in American history. And it is incumbent upon each and every one of us, to defend a Constitution which belongs to our children, not the communist, fascist, socialist scum, whose intention it is, to circumvent all that is right and true in this country and around the world.

So let us stand together and against the enemies of liberty in 2024. Defend and protect election integrity. Close our borders. Unleash America’s energy potential, once again. Support a flat tax. DEMAND TERM LIMITS. Do your homework! And vote common sense and your conscience, not your damn emotions. If you do these things, the leftists will lose, and we may yet have a chance to save our children’s America. This is it, my friends. We are out of options…

God Bless and protect you all in 2024…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Constitutionality, Election 2024, Elections, Energy, Faith, Fred Comella, God and Country, History, Holidays, Media, President Donald J. Trump, TDS!, The United States | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Veteran’s Day, 2023…

“These are the times that try men’s souls”. I know I’ve written these words before in many an article, but the wisdom of Thomas Paine’s pen can never be overstated. From the nightmare at our southern border and a flailing economy, to the “wokeness” and relentless indoctrination of children in our education system from grade school to the so-called “institutions of higher learning”, and to the taxpayer funded money laundering scheme that is the war in Ukraine, to the hotbed of absolute terror in the Middle East, in fact, “these are the times that try men’s souls”.

Nevertheless, there is a small segment of this free republic, who think not necessarily of the politics of the day, but rather the very liberty and freedom which provide for things like the aforementioned discourse, and who in many instances, have sacrificed their very lives for its preservation. These men and women are unique in the world by way of their oaths, and their dedication to the notion that freedom is not free, and truly worth all of their effort. These patriots are the good men and woman who wear the uniform of the United States Military, past and present.

Now I’ve written much over the years and on these pages, about our brave volunteer Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Suffice it to say, that in these uncertain and highly volatile times, a nation and the world may turn once again, to their service and skill sets. And while I’m prayerful this will not be the case, I ask all of my readers to be unwavering in their support and prayers for our fighting men and women and their families. Moreover, and while we prepare to celebrate the holiday season once again, consider their sacrifices, from simply time spent away from their loved ones when duty calls, to a flagged draped coffin in the cargo hold of a transport plane. Then and only then, may we adjust (our own conduct and application) of those last words in President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

Original text: “It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”.

God bless you all on this Veteran’s Day. And God bless the United States Armed Forces.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, God and Country, History, Holidays, Home and Family, Middle East, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Border, The United States | Leave a comment

Independence Day, 2023…

In Congress, on July 2nd 1776, the “Lee Resolution” passed by a vote of 12-0. This hard fought action was the recorded tally which brought about independence from Great Britain and the crown. On July 4th, we celebrate that vote, as the delegates would adopt the aforementioned resolution on that date. The actual signing took place over a period of weeks and months, as the men of our nation’s founding, scattered to fight and protect their homes and businesses from the coming British torrent of violence and destruction.

Nevertheless, the greatest experiment in human history had begun, namely the notion that a free people could govern themselves, within a representative  structure of their choosing. Ultimately, a Constitution and Bill of Rights were needed, and would come at a later date. But for all intents and purposes, that unprecedented document signified the birth of a sovereign nation. And the experiment continues today.

In the past 247 years, there have been many challenges to this experiment to be sure, however none greater than that of present day America. Now I don’t say this lightly, or with a nonchalant attitude concerning the history of this young republic. And I certainly don’t take for granted the blood and treasure which has been expended so I might enjoy my favorite bacon cheese burger and an adult beverage this Tuesday afternoon. No my friends, quite to the contrary, what I’m talking about is history, plain and simple. For if we fail the test of that fateful July 2nd, and if we fail to educate our posterity on the goodness and exceptionalism of a country which has done more for the human condition than any in recorded history, then all of the other contributions and great sacrifices made by those who came before us, are lost.

“Ignorance is bliss” to be sure my fellow Americans. But purposeful ignorance and complacency, in the face of the hard truths “We the People” must confront in 2023, is akin to spitting in the faces of the Founders, and yes, in the faces of our children and grandchildren.

So as we come together and celebrate “Independence Day 2023”, please take a moment to read and understand “The Declaration”. It’s not a long document, and it was meant to be read. It will clear up a few things for some of you, not the least of which is, that there was never any promise of happiness, but rather a person’s God-given right to “pursue” it in a free country.

In the final analysis, this “experiment” can fail. History tells us that other great nations have acquiesced to the nefarious ambitions of dictators and madmen and their thirst for power over the people, and they were diluted and/or destroyed in time. We too can lose it all to the ash heap of history, because we choose the low road the evil one has laid out for us, instead of doing the hard things and handing off a better country to the next generation.

America is not perfect I know, and neither are “We the People”. But it is that very premise, that we may come together, and by way of the God-given freedom as outlined in the Founding documents, overcome our differences for the common good and the preservation of liberty, which sets us apart. God Bless all of you this 4th of July, and be safe…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, History, The United States | Leave a comment

Memorial Day 2023…

So as I look around and listen to the heartbeat of a wounded nation, I do contemplate quite a bit. What kind of country will my granddaughter live in? For that matter, what will become of the next generation as a whole? How bad will it get for my son, as he goes out at night on patrol to protect and serve his community? And, is my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, poised to return and straighten this whole mess out, once and for all? At my age, these are simply the things you think about, (or you should think about).

Now, this weekend is not the time to bloviate about how the leftist terrorists and traitors are subverting our founding documents and destroying the moral fabric of the greatest nation in all human history. I’ll save that for another time, soon. No, today I just want to give you some stuff to contemplate.

All throughout the last 247 or so years, depending on how far into the makings of the American Revolution you want to go, men and women have answered the call to defend the value systems and liberty our Founding Fathers pledged their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to embrace and pass on. Many “gave all of their tomorrows for our todays”. So as you look around and bear witness to the all-out-war on everything we hold dear and right in our hearts, and as you watch a modern propagandist press/media dig in and portray truth and reason as the new hate speech, what of all those heroes I just mentioned? What of all the souls whose last thoughts may have been of loved ones they’d never see again, or of how those loves ones would mourn their loss and the reason for it. What of the enormous sacrifice, and whether or not we are now spitting on their graves and nonchalantly casting aside that sacrifice in the name of some ridiculous notion called, “wokeness”???

So pull up a chair friends, and grab a beer and a burger. But as you indulge, remember who we are, and the idea that united we stand, divided we fall. Let it sink in, how close this whole thing is to going out the proverbial window, and how absolutely unfortunate it would be to dishonor the memory of the heroes, who along with Almighty God, made it all possible…

Abraham Lincoln wrote some notes on the train on his way to Gettysburg, that in his humble opinion, would not even be remembered to history. Take a glance…

November 19, 1863

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Abraham Lincoln

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And so it continues…

Words for the day… 4/28/2023

I think I’ve probably written these words more than folks care to read them now. Nevertheless, they are even more consequential in these troubling times than at any time I can remember. Simply put, “I will pick up a rifle and defend anyone’s right to live as they chose, so long as it is within the lines of this republic under law, and does not infringe the rights of others. But I can not and will not validate you”.

To be clear, my defense of your rights is not an endorsement of your lifestyle or actions. You are not entitled to that. And you cannot force it upon me. So be assured, though I will always come down on the side of freedom, and free speech for that matter, I will also voice my opinions on the issues of the day. That is my right, as much as it is yours.

So let this be a starting point, and a warning. This country is in flux. The rule of law, which sets us apart from the rest of the world, is being subverted by forces intent on the destruction of our entire way of life. Up is down, right is left, and truth is the new hate speech. Thus, like many of you, I fear for the future of our children’s America, and I will fight to defend that future from all enemies, foreign and domestic. It’s a simple oath “We the People” ought to revisit and remember. Anything less, is to dishonor the memory of my father, and every other patriot back to the Founders, who pledged their “lives, their fortunes, and their scared honor”, to that end. And so it continues… Have a blessed day.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Fred Comella, History, Media, Politics, Right vs. Left, The United States | Leave a comment

Ok, so let’s ease into this…

Ok, so I’m back my fellow patriots. My plan is to kind of ease back into the writing, as I’ve been away for a time. Current events and my desire to be a voice against a corrupt and complicit main stream press, have compelled me to come off the sidelines and fight for my granddaughter’s country. For starters, we’re going to get back into something I was doing a few years ago, “Thoughts for Today”…

So buckle up, and let’s save America together. There is much more to come, and it’s only going to get better. God Bless…


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I know, I know…😜

I’ll be back shortly. But here’s something to read in the interim that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

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Ignoring the truth continues to come at great cost…

This is a product of our time. Don’t tell me it’s normal.

Exactly how many more of these murderous rampages will we endure as a nation before we realize it’s not a matter of the inanimate object in the hands of a criminal, but rather a sickness of the American soul. 

Now I know many of you will scoff at this assessment because the lies are easier to believe. And many will seek a political solution for a problem of the heart. But in the end, we can no longer run from facts, and the accountability that always goes with them.

We have chased “our creator” from our children’s schools and from the halls of government, and all while making excuses for 15 million fatherless homes, calling it the “new normal”. We tear down real history and replace it with a revised version that somehow validates opinions and ideology over facts. And those very voices of revisionism denigrate what we all know are the principles which set our country apart from all the rest. Yes, my fellow Americans, our way of life and our national motto, “from many, come one” are exceptional, and we must defend them from all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

Regrettably, and on this dark day following the celebration of the greatest experiment in the history of the world, I submit to all of you, America itself is in flux. Everything we are hangs on this next election. And not because it’s a Republican, Democrat, red, blue thing. But rather because if we do not turn from our wicked ways in this country, and return to the tried and true ideals that have given us the freedoms many now abuse in the name of some “new world order”, then this republic as we know it will falter. And while I understand this may seem a gloomy assessment of our national posture at the moment, I think we can all agree, that the news of the day supports such an assessment. 

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Much hangs in the balance…

So there are those in our country today who seek its ruination. Really?? I’m not sure what the motivation is, but it seems more and more to emanate from the world of academia, (as Marx said it would), where “education” is supposedly in abundance, but real knowledge and “common sense” are lacking. 

This Fourth of July has a very different and urgent feel for me. On the one hand, I’m hopeful for change in November, away from the disastrous path our nation took back in January of 2021. On the other hand, I see and hear the enemies of freedom, who while still a vocal minority, are vehemently opposed to the core principles of this republic and the Constitution which guides it. Their noisy and often incoherent rhetoric is rooted in the very hate they claim to abhor, and lacks any of the factual context and/or basic reasoning necessary to read and understand our founding documents, which, most certainly were intended to be brief but, well, foundational…

To be sure, the men who penned the papers that would change the world and how human freedom was and is viewed for the betterment of mankind, were not perfect, though I’m unsure why this bears noting, as we are all fallen and flawed. Nevertheless, the Founder’s intellect and want of a nation governed by laws and not men, guided them to the words “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. In fact, a closer examination of all that was debated and agreed upon in those critical and consequential years leading up to 7/4/1776, tell a story of extraordinary courage, fortitude and sacrifice, things about which many of the current generation would know absolutely zero.

In the end, the words, “We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”, rang true for many of the Founders. The trials they endured, would have broken the backs of the woke simpletons marching in the streets today, removed from the security of their parents basements and the video game alternate reality of the 21st Century. Theirs is a lost culture, devoid of the truth of a nation, that while imperfect, is the greatest arrangement for mankind under God the world has ever known. How foolish are they, who refuse to see this fact, and who seem to stand opposed to the very principles which allow for their twisted grievances to be heard. But I digress…

Anyway, I think we’ve reached those crossroads I’ve written of these past 25 or so years. I think there is not much time left. Now I don’t mean the nation will be swallowed up by the oceans shortly, as one curious United States Supreme Court Justice seems to believe. LOL! What I mean is, we’re losing our history, and losing it fast. And if we don’t come together as a nation and as a people soon, and if we don’t begin to truly educate our young people on not just the bad, but the inherent good of a country which has sacrificed great blood and treasure at the altar of liberty, from the latter 18th Century to present day, all may in fact be lost. Teach them of the lives of those Founders, their sacrifices, and contributions to these United States. And remind them that while representative government is messy sometimes, it must be preserved at all cost for their sake, and the sake of their posterity. 

Happy Fourth my friends! Be well and safe.

No man is entirely free from weakness and imperfection in this life. Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker. But if we had not, our fathers have earned and bought it for us, at the expense of their ease, their estates, their pleasure, and their blood.” – John Adams




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My Granddaughter’s country…

On July 2,1776, and after riding 80 miles through a thunderstorm, Caesar Rodney of Delaware arrived at the doorstep of Independence Hall in Philadelphia and broke a tie between his fellow delegates, George Read and Thomas McKean, thus bringing Delaware into the camp of breaking with England. You see, many don’t know that the resolution affirming “independency” was voted on, on the 2nd, and the Declaration adopted on the 4th. With Rodney’s “midnight ride”, the absence of dissenters Dickinson and Morris allowing for Ben Franklin to rearrange Pennsylvania’s vote in the affirmative, and the abstention of New York, the separation from Great Britain became a reality.

As I reflect on the rich and great history of these United States this evening, I think of my beautiful new granddaughter and grand niece. Theirs is a precarious time to be sure. The forces of evil and anti-American rhetoric are all around us. Modern academia has made great strides in revisionism. The indoctrination of an entire generation of young minds, blinded to the truth and context of the greatest arrangement for mankind under God, has been their marxist priority.

It’s difficult to be hopeful when the level of self-induced ignorance as I like to call it, is so alarmingly high. Moreover, elected officials in both houses of Congress and in the White House, are aiding and abetting this ignorance for the sake of power and at the expense of our posterity. Gone are the days of Reagan and O’Neill, when despite their political differences, there was enough patriotism and shared love of country between them to make things work in Washington for “We the People”. Now there is only vitriol and hate.

So what is left when these “times that try men’s souls” are upon us? At this point, I do the only thing I know is left when mankind fails in such ill-thought and reckless ways . I pray. I pray for peace in my son’s day, and I pray for his daughter, that she might live in my father’s country. I pray that God will come into the hearts and minds of our politicians, that they might think through their oaths and come back to the truth of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. I pray that our young people wake up and see through all of the lies and nonsense being thrown at them every day in their schools, on social media, and by the disingenuous and partisan press. Because in the end, this great experiment of true representative government, where liberty and freedom are foremost in the minds of the people, and those they send to the halls of government, hangs in the balance. 

May God bless this Republic, on the 2nd, the 4th and every day. 

More to come on the 4th!   

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63,000,000 million reasons to change course…

If you’d asked me what my first return post would have been, this wouldn’t have been it. With that said, the Biden Administration’s failure to act against illegal and dangerous so-called protests at the private homes of Supreme Court Justices is simply a sign of how far our nation has fallen under this president.

In a time of so much chaos and world tension, Americans are looking to their elected representatives for stability and the confidence of knowing matters are in hand. Instead, we see a POTUS who is obviously compromised, AND to the degree that he is even capable of making observations and decisions, regularly comes down on the side of divisive and unconstitutional. Dear Lord, what does it say about the state of our great republic, when a minority of screaming ideologues, who can’t or simply refuse to see the illegitimacy and moral bankruptcy of their thought process, can shape the future of our posterity? These are truly “the times that try men’s souls”…

In recent days we’ve heard from the likes of “comedian” Laurie Kilmartain, who stated live on “MSDNC”, that she fantasized about having sex with the SCOTUS leaker and then “joyfully aborting the baby out of spite if it ended up the leaker was a Conservative”. I mean, what is going on in this country, when a national “news” organization doesn’t admonish and ban such vitriol on their broadcast? Yes, this may indeed be free speech, but as I’ve said, it’s not a matter of what you say so much as should you say it. Moreover, it’s not unreasonable to question the value systems of those in charge of content at these information outlets. And then there’s the sitting mayor of a major American city, (Lori Lightfoot), declaring Chicago “an oasis for abortion” should RVW be overturned. What type of sick individual, (and politician no less), says something so divisive, hateful, and obviously twisted? Sadly, we’ve come to expect this type of putrid rhetoric from reprobates like Lightfoot and Kilmartain.

So it all boils down to what Marx and even President Lincoln said of freedom/liberty, in that it inevitably falls to us to preserve or destroy it. Now there are those who will attempt to paint socialism and even communism as misunderstood theories and ideologies which actually promote “individual freedom”. But true history tells us of a different and much more sinister outcome should we ignore that history. Just have a look at world events as of this post.

In the end, it will be up to “We the People”, in real-time, right now, to stand up for what’s decent and right in this last best hope for mankind, the United States of America. For if we fail, we fail God, our children and their children, and so on…

Posted in "Patriot64", Abortion, Christianity, Civil Rights, Congress, Constitutionality, Elections, Fred Comella, Health Care, History, Home and Family, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, Religion, Right vs. Left, SCOTUS, The Press, The United States, Womens Issues | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Ramping back up…

As most of you may have surmised by now, I’ve left my beloved “Ocean State” and moved to “Free Florida”. Rush called it his “southern command”, and in honor of that great American, I’m going to borrow that moniker.

Adjusting to my new life has been a challenge, but I’m happy to be in a state where the Constitution is embraced and not used as a doormat.

So I’m back at the keyboard and looking forward to taking on the events of the day once again. To that end, look for new content, a revised site, as well as Youtube, podcasts, and a subscription service. Stay tuned my friends!

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If it weren’t for double standards…

The “news” media fawning over this new president is downright nauseating. Having failed in every way to vet the events surrounding the 2020 elections with even a hint of journalistic credibility, they have now moved quickly to hail Biden as some sort of second coming. From the NYT calling the pro-abortion president, “the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century”, to FOX’s Howard Kurtz blabbering about his “heartfelt calls for unity”, it’s as if all of Joe Biden’s sins have been washed away. (Ukraine, Hunter, China, Tara Reade etc…) The problem is, when we look at his actual policy initiatives and actions, we see a very different chief executive.

In terms of his faith, I would tell you that I stand in judgement of no man or his faith. I do however, make observations which form the basis for my opinions. So having looked at the FACTS, it is my view that Biden has in most cases opposed nearly every issue Christians have raised in this country. From his steadfast support and propping up of Roe v. Wade as “women’s health” and his incessant flip-flopping on matters of late term and partial birth abortion, to his championing of the LGBTQ agenda, it’s clear to any reasonable person that Joe Biden the man is likely at odds with many tenets of his faith, AND far more interested in simple but effective political pandering.

As far as his calls for unity, well, once again, actions speak louder than words. As we watched the cognitively challenged candidate spar with folks on the campaign trail, we got a glimpse into Biden’s true character and personality, and how quick he is to double down on mistakes and even become combative with those who disagree with him. These are traits his campaign regularly struggled to conceal along the way. Candidate Biden also had countless opportunities to unite the country by condemning the lawlessness and violence we witnessed over the summer, but declined to do so until very late in the campaign, and only then because polls were showing it was hurting him. From his reference to Trump supporters as “dregs of society”, to berating an 83 year old man at a town hall event, calling him a “damn liar, man” while approaching him angrily, Joe Biden’s track record and political posture don’t look much like that of man intent on uniting this country.

So as gas prices begin to climb and layoffs related to his policies grow, and as the economy that was roaring back begins to sink into recession under the weight of Joe Biden’s agenda and the leftist’s false utopia, some of us will consider the overall fake news analysis of 46 in the first hundred days and swallow hard on the “I told you so”. Because in the end, we understand it is our children’s country they’re destroying.



Posted in "Patriot64", Abortion, America, China, Economy, Elections, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, President Joe Biden, Right vs. Left, Russia, Socioeconomic, The Press, The United States, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


I don’t usually post what I write for other publications, as I provide exclusive rights to the articles once I’ve released them. However, once in a while one comes along that screams, POST ME! This is one of those articles.

One of my editors usually gives me permission, 30 days out from the original publication and distribution. In this case, it was December’s article. I’m going to post a link to it below. Feel free to share it. “The Good News Today” is an extraordinary read you might consider supporting as well. Check out their website,, and catch the physical paper, free in your local church and at retail spots throughout Southern New England. God bless, and Merry Christmas!


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COVID Collateral…

For starters, I’m not a virus denier, but rather a type 1 diabetic who’s just as apprehensive as anyone concerning COVID 19. But I’m also a common sense numbers guy, re-assured by a very capable and notable physician who tells me nearly all who are infected will recover, and that therapeutics coming on line as you read this are driving the actual mortality rate from the virus into the basement.

Nevertheless, I’m compelled to write today because this “pandemic” is also being exploited by politicians and so-called “experts” across the country and around the world, and it’s having an extremely negative impact in ways folks may not be focused on.

Now we can talk all day about how lockdowns were a mistake from the get-go and have caused billions if not trillions of dollars in unnecessary economic damage, some of which will be irrecoverable for those affected. And we can argue about the manipulation of those same lockdowns under the false flags of flawed models and rising COVID numbers, for which detailed information is often impossible to drag out of the loathsome daily briefing. Like here in my home state of Rhode Island, where Governor Gina Raimondo and her administration play fast and loose with what “facts” they choose to release. For instance, they won’t tell you that more than 75% of 1188 “COVID” deaths to date in the Ocean State have been in nursing homes and congregate care facilities, leaving just 275 deaths statewide over the last nine months attributed to the virus. Now while every single life matters, and a family is affected to be sure, how many have passed from other illnesses or issues in that same time period, say from heart failure or cancer? For some context via the last available data year of 2017, there were 320 drug overdoses, over 2300 heart related deaths and 203 flu related deaths. You do the math. Moreover, why does the state rarely report the initial health of those who supposedly contracted and then died from the virus, and only occasionally give their ages and/or living status when pressed? Better yet, how many of the unborn have died by way of abortion in the state since March?

And so now our condescending, potential Biden appointee (God help us), very wealthy and thankfully term-limited Governor is considering rolling back re-opening the state just ahead of what is likely the most pivotal Presidential Election in American history. To be clear, this is not just bad governance my friends, but more a calculated, cruel and vindictive scare tactic to keep voters away from the polls, and which will likely destroy what’s left of our states already crippled economy. But I digress.

To my earlier point, there’s an almost hidden symptom beginning to show itself during these truly unprecedented times. My wife told me of a conversation she had with a friend recently concerning her middle son of around 11 years old. The friend explained that her boy was sent home from school as he had symptoms (the sniffles), which under the school’s “guidelines” required he be tested for COVID. On their way out to the testing facility, the boy began to cry. Naturally, his mother reassured him with the truth, that being he was so young and in excellent health, he would certainly fully recover, even if he did test positive. Now the boy began to cry even harder to the point of sobbing. The friend told my wife that when she was finally able to calm him enough so he could speak, he told her that he was scared to infect his parents or anyone else, and that he didn’t want to kill anyone. Dear God, where would this young boy get such a foolish notion? And what kind idiot would suggest something like that to an 11-year-old? I submit to you today, this governor, her administration, and crackpot teachers and their union handlers are scaring our children right out of their minds! Of all that is wrong with this COVID chaos, in RI and across the nation, this type of reckless and irresponsible fear mongering is taking its toll on our posterity, and it will affect them for the rest for their lives. (By the way, the boy tested negative for COVID 19). He had a damn cold.

So, I suppose my message to my governor, and governors across this country who seem bent on disseminating only fear, and the politics of mask wearing as their answers to the Coronavirus is, “We the People” are wise to your intent.

Now there may be nothing we can do to cure you of your ignorance or Trump Derangement Syndrome,(TDS), but for God’s sake, consider the consequences of your politics. You are hurting our children! Stick to the facts, ALL of them, and “Knock it off”!


Posted in "Patriot64", America, China, COVID 19, Education, Elections, Fred Comella, Home and Family, Rhode Island Local, The United States | Leave a comment

Through their lens…

I thought it would be a good time to re-visit this one. Do not condemn until you’ve walked a mile in their boots. Back the Blue!

On Patrol with God and the Badge

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More “Good News”…

From the June addition of the Good News Today Christian Newspaper….

Ask the Governor

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When the truth comes knockin’…

This is a great read from The American Thinker. 

Yes, Virginia (and all the other States), There is Systemic Racism in America

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Reading conservative media over the past month, I have noticed a pattern develop. More and more writers are arguing that the ubiquitous assumption of systemic racism in America is untrue. In fact, there’s never been a better place to live as a minority than in America in the 21st Century. While I agree with many of the arguments made, I have to disagree with the conclusion. You see, I have also been listening to the personal histories of individual blacks across the country, and I now see the widespread, systemic racism that infects the United States in 2020.

Discussions of systemic racism typically start with slavery. Although that is the greatest example of systemic racism in our history, the United States fought a war with itself in which hundreds of thousands of Americans paid the ultimate price to end slavery here. However, although legalized slavery was ended by the Civil War, fighting this war didn’t end racism. After the war, groups like the KKK worked hard to prevent the newly freed slaves from exercising their full rights as citizens. These efforts evolved into the set of laws we know as Jim Crow, a systemic web of statutes and cultural norms that treated blacks as inferior in every way.

But wait! Didn’t the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s, and particularly the Civil Rights Act of 1964, end the Jim Crow laws? Yes, the overt, legally enforced racism of the first half of the 20th Century was debunked, disgraced, and dismantled by the Civil Rights movement but it was quickly replaced with a more subtle system of racism. This one was not encoded directly into state laws or local ordinances but was created by the indirect outcomes of a new kind of political initiative: civil rights laws, welfare payments, court decisions, and statist economic policies.

Civil rights laws, supposedly passed to guarantee to blacks equal protection under the law and all the rights granted under the Constitution, were quickly interpreted to require racial quotas be met by schools, by government, and even by private businesses. The subtle racism of quotas is the assumption that blacks cannot earn these positions on their own merits so, instead of doing the hard work of helping blacks develop skills and habits needed for success, we should give them handouts and pat ourselves on the back for being so helpful. Meanwhile, these quotas have reduced the black graduation rates at colleges and increased racial strife by angering the more qualified applicants who lost out.

The welfare system created by the Great Society, supposedly passed to help the poor of all races, quickly resulted in creating a permanent underclass who were dependent on government handouts. The black family, which stayed together through slavery, Reconstruction, the Great Depression, and Jim Crow, was splintered apart when government handouts replaced the wages earned by a husband and father. This pushed fatherless youths into the streets to join gangs and kill each other off with both guns and drugs. A more racist system could hardly be imagined.

The Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, a procedure that has a more racist past than a Confederate statue. Abortion was a key part of the eugenics movement in this country going back to the 1920’s, when Margaret Sanger created the precursor to Planned Parenthood. Abortion was used to purify the white race and eliminate the black race back then, and black women continue to have abortions to at far higher rates than whites and Hispanics to this day. These deaths have reduced the black population, watered down their representation in society, and eliminated the potential contributions of millions of people to this world.

Meanwhile, in most large cities, regulatory and social welfare policies reduced freedom, opportunity, and prosperity for the people living in them, and a lot of blacks live in them. Basic city services that help people get and keep jobs, like decent roads, public transportation, and affordable housing, have crumbled under policies that prioritize public employee pensions, rent control laws, and entrenched political power. But the most devastating casualty in these cities has been quality education. The failure of cities to provide a high school diploma that had some worth in the marketplace has hurt black prospects for decades.

I hope, as you read through my description of systemic racism in America today, you have noticed a common culprit in all of it. Everything described above has been the stated public policies of the Democrat party all the way back to the days of slavery. Democrats opposed Abraham Lincoln’s and the newly formed Republican Party’s anti-slavery platform in 1860. After the war, the KKK became the militant arm of the Democrats and the Jim Crow laws that grew out of the Reconstruction were administered by Democrat politicians throughout the South.

The modern Democrat politician has raised systemic racism in this country to levels a white plantation owner in the ante-bellum South could have only dreamed of. After all, while the plantation owner treated his slaves as property, he also had a self-interest in keeping his slaves healthy and strong enough to do their work; the Democrats’ only self-interest is keeping blacks voting for Democrats, and they will do that most reliably if they are kept weak, poor, and dependent.

But I have not even mentioned the crassest form of Democrat racism yet: coopting black leaders with promises of money and power to help promote all these policies among their fellow blacks. How these leaders could have gotten in bed with the very party that had trampled blacks down for a century is a mystery to me. Without their support, however, all the Democrat platitudes about helping the poor and fighting racism would have been quickly rejected for the insidious racism that created them and the horrible results produced by them. With the support of those leaders, Democrats have been able to exploit blacks repeatedly by scaring them that Republicans want to enslave them and teaching them that every setback they encounter is evidence of racism.

The Democrats are terrible at a lot of things: fighting wars, growing an economy, educating children, protecting citizens from global pandemics, and guaranteeing constitutional rights, among others. But they are excellent at one thing: shifting the blame to others for their own racism and their constant failures.

I am tired of being called a racist because, as a white man, I am part of the system that holds blacks down. The truth is that, as a Republican, I have opposed and voted against the racist policies described in this article since I was old enough to vote.  I hope that black citizens of this country will #WalkAway from the Democrat Party and be set free to live and work and prosper along with the rest of us.

I am heartbroken over systemic racism and want nothing more than to see the Democratic politicians who built it and sustain it stripped of all their power by the very victims of their racist policies.


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“what is before us, the here and now”… (2020)

Context seems a very difficult notion in 2020. It’s usually dismissed as simply an obstacle to making ones point. However context is important, now more than ever. The ongoing debate over “racism” in America lacks even the most basic context, and is being argued in a way which does little or nothing to advance the cause of race equality. Is there racism in The United States? The obvious answer to this question is yes. Is it systemic and wide spread? I believe most reasonable people would say no. Unfortunately, recent events like the heinous killing of George Floyd, a black man, by white police officer Derek Chauvin, have emboldened those who would manipulate truth and reason to advance a much more sinister and divisive agenda.

Watching the destruction in Minneapolis following Floyd’s death was made even more difficult as we all tried to find the reason in burning one’s own neighborhood to the ground, destroying black owned businesses as well. And please tell me again how stealing everything that isn’t nailed down helps to end race inequality and “police brutality” against African Americans in this country. I think we all know the answer to that question. To make matters worse, politicians and pundits alike have seized the opportunity to politicize the issue, further dividing a nation already straining under the weight of the COVID pandemic. For “Black Lives Matter” or BLM, the event was the catalyst they’d been waiting for in order to promote a militant and violent campaign of misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric, devoid of even an iota of the aforementioned context or historical truth, thus fostering a nationwide climate of apologies and capitulation for crimes never committed. Politicians, celebrities and every day folks are now lining up to kneel before, and even kiss the boots of domestic terrorists openly planning to challenge and engage law enforcement with firearms. Statues of historical figures are being defaced and destroyed, even those of men like famed abolitionist Matthias Baldwin, lending evidence of my theory that much of what’s happening right now is fueled primarily by ignorance and ideological hatred. And now ANTIFA, another terrorist organization with the stated goal of open and violent anarchy on our streets, have joined the fray and literally taken over six city blocks in the Capitol Hill district of Seattle, and all while the city’s mayor stood by and seemed almost to validate the criminals responsible.

Again, I’m not going to debate the issue of racism because I feel it does exist, here and around the world. Slavery as well, has existed in one form or another and in every civilization since records have been kept. America on the other hand, using 1619 as a starting point and proceeding to the 13th Amendment in 1865, leaves just 249 years of slavery in this country. Comparatively speaking, more was done faster to address the issue of servitude in the Americas than anywhere in the world. Moreover, less than 6% of African slaves actually came to what would ultimately become the United States, but rather were enslaved largely in South America. Listen, slavery was and remains a moral sin, and the U.S. must never deny its culpability in that sin. I get it. However, in the “context” of the 17th, 18th and 19th century, nearly every nation on earth, including African nations, tolerated and even embraced slavery. Ironically, many of those African nations and their leaders were selling their own people into bondage. So yes, context is extremely important if there is to be any logical debate in search of solutions.

Accordingly, there’s a certain disgust and contempt I feel as I watch ignorant fools tearing down a history they clearly don’t understand. This is compounded by the realization that many of these “protesters” true motives are anything but peaceful, as a complicit press would have us believe. In fact, many have the stated purpose of up-ending our government and way of life in favor of a “utopia” not unlike the one we’re witnessing in Seattle, complete with all the drug abuse, murder and pillaging. Let’s look at some of the obvious contrasts and understand the hypocrisy. In the BLM/ANTIFA world, going to church is bad, but burning one down will get you a medal. Decent law abiding folks can’t open their businesses, but hoodlums can destroy a city’s business district and they’re called “peaceful protesters”. White people can’t have an opinion on racism, but are part of the problem when they say nothing. And you can riot in the streets with thousands of other “peaceful” protesters w/o a mask, but if President Trump holds a campaign rally, the COVID clicker will explode. This is just some of the madness we’re hearing from politicians, sympathetic press types and Hollywood jack-wagons.

So what do we do in these trying and unprecedented times? Well I’m not sure to be honest. Unfortunately it’s not as simple as just clearing the streets and arresting law breakers, though we should be doing that anyway. But we can start by asking God back into our classrooms and public buildings, and telling our children of the obvious correlation between the Ten Commandments, Mayflower Compact and our constitutional, representative republic under law. Then we might try and salvage the next generation by demanding teachers teach our children real history with context, not the revisionist Soros kind, big on vitriol and ideology, but short on truth and reason. Much of what we’re hearing from these “students” out there destroying the tax-payer’s public property, is being fed to them by teachers and professors who grow more and more radical in their ideologies with each passing year, and who see their charge as “educators”, not to simply instruct our nation’s young people and prepare them for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, but rather brainwash and indoctrinate them into the appropriate Liberal/Progressive mindset, so they will make good Marxist agitators when it comes time to overthrow the country. And we could also stop voting for candidates who are products of the above mentioned “education” system and have no business representing a loaf of bread.

No my fellow patriots, fixing a mess that has very deep roots will not be easy, or quick. And addressing racism absolutely requires acknowledging that indeed ALL human life matters, and the real issue before us is one of equal opportunity for all Americans, not some cheesy slogan which on its face is divisive. And we must also accept the fact that all this will be difficult. But we have to try, as our children’s America is hanging precariously in the balance. “The Good News” is, the Founders were smart people. And the genius of the documents they penned, was the realization that all people are inherently selfish and self-centered, and that they will go to war with each other based on those emotions. Moreover, they understood that a governmental framework which recognized these basic human flaws would form the basis for that “more perfect union” for generations to come. It’s why our Constitution and Bill of Rights are so special and so important. It’s why we are nation of laws and not men, of order and not chaos, and it’s why what’s going on across the country today is so foreign and wrong in our collective view. Nevertheless, civil disobedience is in our national DNA, and not all protest and response to it will be “peaceable”. Our history does demonstrate that freedom, while essential, is difficult sometimes. But when civil disobedience turns to mob rule, autonomous zones, vandalism and the wanton murder of an innocent man protecting his business, by beating him to unconsciousness and then pummeling his head with bricks until he’s dead, it ceases to be anything resembling civil.

I’ve been sitting on these paragraphs for over a week now, working the words and phraseology so as to promote thoughtful and truthful debate, not angry partisan rhetoric. But as I survey the political landscape and listen to ignorant antagonists like BLM “President” Hawk Newsome talk about “burning down the system and replacing it”, I question whether or not there can even be constructive debate and discussion with someone like that. I think this is the most disconcerting part of the whole equation, having to admit that in many ways, confrontation and conflict may be inevitable.

To sum up, I knew my son would face turmoil in his time. I knew ideologies would clash in his America at some point. But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the kind of mindless savagery taking place in my own time. Worse yet, some of the people we’ve elected to the halls of government have failed in their collective oaths to protect our Constitution and country. Some municipal and state government as well, have demonstrated their extraordinary capacity to not only over-tax and underperform, over generations leading up to the current pandemic, but then to bungle their responses while watching their cities and states attacked and burned by domestic terrorists, under the guise of race relations.

For my part, I have no choice but to fight for my son’s right to grow up in the America his grandfather fought for. I must put on the full armor of my Lord and Savior and seek peace where there doesn’t appear to be any, to reach out a hand, but know there may not be one on the receiving end at the moment. I must pray for the best but be prepared for the worst. I mustn’t shrink from my responsibilities and have faith in the truth of this nation, that while not perfect to be sure, is the greatest arrangement for mankind under God in all of human history. And that for all its flaws, my country and ALL of its people are deserving of my best efforts.

“These are the times that try men’s souls”. I’ve often wondered what was going through Thomas Paine’s mind when he wrote those words. I think I have some idea today…

God please bless and protect The United States of America, and God bless ALL of you.


Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, Christianity, Civil Rights, Congress, Education, Faith, Fred Comella, History, TDS! | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Justice for General Flynn, and shame on Congressman Cicilline…

Rhode Island’s 1st District Congressman David Cicilline recently commented on Attorney General Barr’s decision to drop the charges against General Michael Flynn, calling it an “outrageous decision and a miscarriage of justice”. To the Congressman, I would only say this. If you, as an attorney, (who acted as a public defender for a short time), cannot see the obvious and dangerous pattern of investigative and prosecutorial misconduct associated with the Justice Department’s case against General Flynn, AND, if you are so blinded by your political ideology and hatred of this duly elected President of The United States, that you cannot or will not acknowledge the stated intent of certain DOJ-FBI officials in their treasonous attempt to undo the 2016 Presidential Election, then you must proceed immediately to Georgetown University Law Center as well as Brown University and demand a full refund. It is striking to say the least Mr. Cicilline, how you pivoted so quickly to a career in politics…

Posted in "Patriot64", America, FBI, Fred Comella, Law Enforcement, Media, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem…

The more I learn about the COVID19 pandemic, the CDC, NIAID and WHO, the more I’m starting to think things aren’t all they appear to be. Now I’m not suggesting the virus is a hoax, or promoting any other crackpot conspiracy theory. Nevertheless, the real numbers simply don’t justify the unprecedented response, both federally and at the individual state level. All the testing hype has only exacerbated the fact that we’re testing for the wrong thing, and that antibody testing is the only way to measure the true extent and spread of the infection. Many states are basing restrictions only on confirmed cases and associated deaths. But now were seeing those numbers challenged based on recording guidelines, insurance compensation incentives and just plain shoddy reporting. And frankly, the more I read about Dr. Anthony Fauci, the more I think there may be some competing agenda’s here, and that he may not be the microscope nerd I originally figured him for, but rather a cleaver profiteer with questionable relationships to big pharmaceutical companies and billionaire backers.

Look, I’m a type 1 diabetic and I understand the fear. But as more antibody tests are performed, and as we begin to see the players and understand their agenda’s, ideologies and backgrounds a bit more clearly, it’s becoming easier to see a scenario where some in this country might have a vested interest in keeping it locked down. In my view, we must open up and move forward now, if not for ourselves, for our children. Speed the science of therapeutics and vaccines and save the world as we’ve always done. But do not deny the obvious and undeniable consequences of keeping this free republic closed for business and vulnerable. To rob the next generation of their America is to truly be “selfish”.

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For every soldier who gave their last full measure fighting this evil monster!!!

It’s laughable, (but disconcerting), to hear Democrats on the one hand condemning Iranian General Qassem Soleimani for the trail of bodies he left behind, and on the other, condemning President Trump for finally doing what should have been done years and president’s ago.

The audacity of Democrat politicians and their co-conspirators in the press is largely incomprehensible. From the mouths of fools like MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who recently and recklessly compared the attacks on our embassy in Iraq to the glaring failures of the Obama/Clinton debacle in Benghazi, referring to the Baghdad protest as “Trump’s Benghazi”, to the Democrat hacks in Congress, who’ve consistently displayed an unprecedented and near treasonous approach to American affairs overseas, it should be obvious to any reasonable person that the Left in this country are so consumed with their hatred of this president, they are actually rooting for our enemies.

Look, Soleimani was an ideological monster with the blood of thousands of innocents on his hands, including many American fighting men and women. So what does it say about some in this country, when they can’t even take unqualified solace in the fact that he’s no longer a threat to collective humanity?

Posted in "Patriot64", America, International, Islamo-Fascist, Middle East, Military, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


I don’t remember a time when this nation has been so sharply divided. Now we can debate the reasons all day, but from this Conservative Constitutionalist’s perspective, there are some very obvious takeaways.

I voted for a Washington outsider in 2016, a businessman and patriot. I figured he’d shake things up and he has. He doesn’t do business like a politician and that’s a good thing. The extraordinary and unprecedented results are indisputable but for the purposely ignorant and hopelessly partisan. And for those folks, the thought of (five) more years of this president, and the possibility of a couple more SCOTUS picks is simply unacceptable.

Truth is, presidents hold back financial and other aid from countries for many reasons, including corruption on the receiving end. In this case, and whether Democrats like it or not, there’s a very real possibility the former VP and his son might just be knee deep in it.

In the end, impeachment was NOT the road to take regarding the Ukrainian matter, especially with zero support from the other side of the aisle. History will likely bear this out. In the shorter term however, Democrats will definitely pay a price at the polls in 2020.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, President Donald Trump, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Worth Fighting For…

Our nation has come to many crossroads in the time since revolution. And from then until now, brave men and women have gone in harm’s way in our stead in order to preserve those unalienable rights, being “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. So I suppose my thoughts this Veterans Day weekend can be summed up this way. As we navigate yet another crossroad, one seemingly more consequential than any before, it seems the best way we may honor those who’ve worn and who continue to wear the uniform is to educate ourselves about our great republic. You see, it’s easy to watch the “fake news” every day and come away with a misinformed or worse yet, tainted view of America. But I submit to you this Veterans Day 2019, that if you step away from the so-called “mainstream” media, truly do your homework and apply the appropriate historical context, and if you don’t lie to yourself in order to make a particular/personal political agenda or ideology seem plausible, AND if you’re willing to concede that while there have been bumps along the way, the principles of our Constitution remain relevant and even more necessary than ever before, then you will come away knowing in your hearts and minds that in 243 years, the United States of America has done more good for the human condition than any nation in all history. Moreover, you will most assuredly recognize the urgency in ensuring our posterity know this as well. To all who have served, thank you will never be enough.

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By any means possible… (And then some)…

(From the PROJO, full version)

Democrats are now focused on reversing the results of the 2016 Presidential Election by way of a phony “impeachment inquiry”. In reality, the system worked as designed and the will of “We the People” was manifest in the swearing in of Donald J. Trump as 45th President of The United States. Nevertheless, the nation has witnessed the accelerated erosion of JFK’s Democrat Party into the stinking, socialist trash heap it’s become. Bent only on power and “fundamentally changing” this great experiment, (which has undeniably benefited human kind and promoted God-given freedom around the globe), these pandering reprobates will not rest until they’ve permanently dismantled the greatest nation the world has ever known.

In contrast, this no-nonsense/businessman POTUS has changed the conversation to one of America’s greatness. In doing so, he’s promoted the strongest economy in world history shouldering even more vitriol, as those who oppose him are threatened by his success. You see, more and more Americans have become wise to the very old ploy of the Left, that being big government, entitlements, and social justice as means to secure near limitless terms, shining the seats of power in DC with their pathetic asses. President Trump is a threat to that “deep state” mentality however, so what they failed to do to him at the ballot box in 2016, they’re now trying to do with the “politics of personal destruction” in 2020. This too I surmise, will fail. Because this president is not your typical Republican wuss, but every bit the fighter the people elected him to be, and clearly won’t be silenced by what can now only be described as the forces of evil.

So yes my fellow Americans, the 2020 election cycle will be the most important in the history of this nation and likely the world. Nearly gone now, are the generation who lived the history which defines us. Moreover, modern academia has failed our posterity miserably and is now in lock-step with the Left in their efforts to undo “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. Thus it is left to patriots who haven’t forgotten the promise of freedom going back even to the puritans, to preserve what is good about America and push back against the forces that would destroy it. And if you take anything from this short read, let it be that this isn’t about the President or Congress per’se, but rather what kind of country we leave our children. And if we’re truly honest about the answer to that question, then a vote for the Democrat party in 2020 is most certainly the wrong vote.



Posted in "Patriot64", Elections, Fred Comella, Politics, President Donald Trump, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment


From Mackubin Thomas Owens as printed in the NYT.

Well, it’s settled. Everything we thought we knew about the American Founding is wrong. The real Founding is not the Declaration of Independence in 1776 or even the drafting of the Constitution in 1787. Instead, it is 1619 when the first slaves arrived in the settlement of Jamestown. Thus sayeth the 1619 Project of The New York Times, which seeks “to reframe the country’s history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.”

Of course, the 1619 Project merely regurgitates what has become the mainstream view of today’s Democratic Party. For instance, Beto O’Rourke said recently that “this country … was founded on racism, has persisted through racism and is racist today.” Bernie Sanders said earlier this year that the United States was “created” in large part “on racist principles.”

How did this calumny take root? The answer can be traced to the project of an Italian communist named Antonio Gramsci, the father of “cultural Marxism,” who in the 1930s called on socialists and communists to subvert Western culture from the inside in order to prepare the soil for the overthrow of liberalism. In the 1960s, the German activist Rudi Dutschke dubbed this project “the long march through the institutions.”

The success of this endeavor, especially in the academy, can be seen by the popularity of Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States,” a disgraceful work filled with outright falsehoods, omissions, distortions of evidence, logical fallacies, plagiarism, and dubious sources. The book is such a travesty that even left-leaning historians have denounced it. Yet two generations of high school and college students have been marinated in this toxic stew, which advances the view that the United States is unjust and racist.

In 1776, slavery was a worldwide phenomenon. Indeed, it was Africans who sold other Africans into the Atlantic slave trade, the vast majority of whom were transported to South America. Muslims enslaved Europeans.

The United States was founded on a different principle, one that undermined the morality of slavery. The fact is that the principles of the Constitution are fundamentally anti-slavery. As James Madison noted, those present at the constitutional convention in 1787 “thought it wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in men.”

Of course, those who argue that the American Founding was unjust point to the fact that the Constitution compromised on the issue of slavery. But people who assert this claim make the fundamental error of confusing the principles of the Constitution, which arise from the Declaration of Independence, with its compromises, in the absence of which, slave states very possibly would have created a polity wholly devoted to slavery.

One who recognized this point was Frederick Douglass, the great abolitionist and former slave, who came to understand that without the Constitution — which he believed was fundamentally an anti-slavery document — and the Union it created, slavery would never have been ended in America.

Economists and historians have been exposing the shoddy scholarship that underpins the 1619 Project. But the real flaw in the project is its failure to recognize the role of the American Founding in the eventual abolition of slavery, at least in the West.

As the late Harry Jaffa once wrote, “It is not wonderful that a nation of slave-holders, upon achieving independence, failed to abolish slavery. What is wonderful, indeed miraculous, is that a nation of slave-holders founded a new nation on the proposition that ‘all men are created equal,’ making the abolition of slavery a moral and political necessity.”

Mackubin Thomas Owens, a monthly contributor, is a senior fellow of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia and editor of its journal, Orbis.

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Painful but true…

I suppose the question of, (was it too soon for Astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson to tweet out his “painful take” on the shootings in El Paso and Dayton) is a valid one. Nevertheless, the near immediate and reprehensible Democrat response to these horrific acts of evil, does beg the expeditious clarity and reason of thoughtful people in response. Now I would agree we must first come together as human beings in the face of such inexplicable violence so we may properly grieve and reflect. But why do Liberals get a pass when running to the nearest microphone or cable news network to quickly exploit the dead and wounded? Why are their “opinions” and factually challenged narratives on the tongues of nearly every media desk jockey and their complicit news outlet, yet when someone has the intestinal fortitude to throw some truth and reason into the discussion, it’s condemned out of hand.

Well I have a flash for all of you. Dr. deGrasse, while likely burdened with the insensitivity commonly associated with higher education, is 100% correct. The Left in this country are counting on your emotions and not your reason. It’s what gets them elected. Moreover, deGrasse’s short tweet doesn’t even begin to address the myriad of additional facts and data which literally suck the argument right out of the anti-gun narrative. Make no mistake my friends, political charlatans like Robert Francis O’Rourke and “Mayor Pete” Buttigieg are nothing more than opportunistic and disingenuous ideologues who recognize the value of exploitation in their quest to “fundamentally change” America.

Ultimately, the loss of any human life to mindless violence rakes at our hearts and begs answers. But I think the point deGrasse is trying to make, is knee-jerk and emotional reactions to complicated issues of the heart and of society as a whole, only exacerbate an already difficult situation. Legislating, absent fair-minded and fact based debate, is like taking cold medicine for cancer. As for me, and how I see these tragedies, the further we allow our elected officials to steer us away from God and the truth of our success as a nation and a people, the worse this will get. We are seeing this truth play out before our very eyes. Dismiss it at your own peril…

Posted in "Patriot64", 2nd Amendment, America, Christianity, Constitutionality, Crime, First Responders, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Law Enforcement, Politics, President Donald J. Trump, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, The Border, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

There’s hope…

This young lady gets it! 

By Alyssa Ahlgren:

I’m sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of Democratic candidates calling for policies to “fix” the so-called injustices of capitalism. I put my phone down and continue to look around. I see people talking freely, working on their Mac Book’s, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me. We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we’ve become completely blind to it. Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose. These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don’t give them a second thought. We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty. One. Times. Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful.

Our unappreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow. Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, “An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity.”

Never saw American prosperity. Let that sink in. When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I’ve ever heard in my 26 years on this earth. Now, I’m not attributing Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s words to outright dishonesty. I do think she whole-heartedly believes the words she said to be true. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided. My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let’s just say I didn’t have the popular opinion, but I digress.

Let me lay down some universal truths really quick. The United States of America has lifted more people out of abject poverty, spread more freedom and democracy, and has created more innovation in technology and medicine than any other nation in human history. Not only that but our citizenry continually breaks world records with charitable donations, the rags to riches story is not only possible in America but not uncommon, we have the strongest purchasing power on earth, and we encompass 25% of the world’s GDP. The list goes on. However, these universal truths don’t matter. We are told that income inequality is an existential crisis (even though this is not an indicator of prosperity, some of the poorest countries in the world have low-income inequality), we are told that we are oppressed by capitalism (even though it’s brought about more freedom and wealth to the most people than any other system in world history), we are told that the only way we will acquire the benefits of true prosperity is through socialism and centralization of federal power (even though history has proven time and again this only brings tyranny and suffering).

Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity? We have people who are dying to get into our country. People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they’ve never seen prosperity, and as a result, elect politicians dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism. Why? The answer is this, my generation has ONLY seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn’t live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, or see the rise and fall of socialism and communism. We don’t know what it’s like not to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We don’t have a lack of prosperity problem. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it’s spreading like a plague.

With the current political climate giving rise to the misguided idea of a socialist utopia, will we see the light? Or will we have to lose it all to realize that what we have now is true prosperity? Destroying the free market will undo what millions of people have died to achieve.

My generation is becoming the largest voting bloc in the country. We have an opportunity to continue to propel us forward with the gifts capitalism and democracy has given us. The other option is that we can fall into the trap of entitlement and relapse into restrictive socialist destitution. The choice doesn’t seem too hard, does it?

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Do you know why you’re celebrating???

I suspect that if you queried many folks along the parade route in downtown Bristol, Rhode Island during the nation’s oldest Independence Day parade and asked them to recite the second and most consequential line of the (Declaration of Independence), few could. Some in the crowd might not even know what Independence Day is. In fact, a politically bias press and vocal minority who claim tolerance but who are wholly intolerant have made great strides in both, painting America in the most negative light as well as dumbing down its posterity to the point of total ignorance when it comes to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. So as the greatest arrangement for mankind under God appears to be struggling under the weight of socialist forces that would destroy it, I leave you with the words of one of the Founders, men who sacrificed more than many will ever know so that “We the People” would be a free people. Wake up America. The clock is ticking…

John Adams, as he wrote it: “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.

You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. — I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. — Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not”.

As written:


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.


He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.


He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.


He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.


He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.


He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.


He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.


He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.


He has obstructed the Administration of Justice by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers.


He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.


He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.


He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.


He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.


He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:


For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:


For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:


For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:


For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:


For depriving us in many cases, of the benefit of Trial by Jury:


For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:


For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies


For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:


For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.


He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.


He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.


He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & Perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.


He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.


He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.


In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.


Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.


We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.


New Hampshire:

Josiah Bartlett, William Whipple, Matthew Thornton



John Hancock, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Robert Treat Paine, Elbridge Gerry


Rhode Island:

Stephen Hopkins, William Ellery



Roger Sherman, Samuel Huntington, William Williams, Oliver Wolcott


New York:

William Floyd, Philip Livingston, Francis Lewis, Lewis Morris


New Jersey:

Richard Stockton, John Witherspoon, Francis Hopkinson, John Hart, Abraham Clark



Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Franklin, John Morton, George Clymer, James Smith, George Taylor, James Wilson, George Ross



Caesar Rodney, George Read, Thomas McKean



Samuel Chase, William Paca, Thomas Stone, Charles Carroll of Carrollton



George Wythe, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Nelson, Jr., Francis Lightfoot Lee, Carter Braxton


North Carolina:

William Hooper, Joseph Hewes, John Penn


South Carolina:

Edward Rutledge, Thomas Heyward, Jr., Thomas Lynch, Jr., Arthur Middleton



Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton




Posted in "Patriot64", Fred Comella, Politics, Rhode Island Local, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The debate is over…

Disclaimer: I did not watch the debate last night. I simply couldn’t stand the incessant drumbeat of socialism masquerading as legitimate politics, which by the way, has now become the marching cadence for the Democrat Party. I did however, do my usual morning scan and read of the major media outlets and newspapers so I could get a feel for what I already knew would be more of the same, (big government and no way to pay for it). Oh, and with a “smidgeon” of progressive social justice just to make the abortion folks and their friends on the left feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

One thing did stand out though and I think we may all agree. No matter your politics, or degree to which you are engaged in the 2020 Election, and no matter who has your support if anyone at this stage, I think it’s fair to say the modern American news media is now solidly Democrat and even progressive in their view and presentation of the issues of our time. This is significant in that we may no longer look to them for the objectivity crucial to any meaningful debate, especially a political one inside a free republic. We will have to do all of our own homework going forward.

So I took to Google and YouTube today to reflect on debates past and the differences are striking. To be sure, politics has its ebb and flow. But the manner of questioning by the press is no longer about investigative journalism or fact finding, but rather simple endorsement of one particular ideology and it’s sad. For in a time when “truth and reason” could NOT be more important, our posterity are instead left with the void created by an obvious lack of either, and abandoned by the one outlet with the power to promote both.

Posted in "Patriot64", Abortion, America, Congress, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Political Correctnness, President Donald J. Trump, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment