If it weren’t for double standards…

The “news” media fawning over this new president is downright nauseating. Having failed in every way to vet the events surrounding the 2020 elections with even a hint of journalistic credibility, they have now moved quickly to hail Biden as some sort of second coming. From the NYT calling the pro-abortion president, “the most religiously observant commander in chief in half a century”, to FOX’s Howard Kurtz blabbering about his “heartfelt calls for unity”, it’s as if all of Joe Biden’s sins have been washed away. (Ukraine, Hunter, China, Tara Reade etc…) The problem is, when we look at his actual policy initiatives and actions, we see a very different chief executive.

In terms of his faith, I would tell you that I stand in judgement of no man or his faith. I do however, make observations which form the basis for my opinions. So having looked at the FACTS, it is my view that Biden has in most cases opposed nearly every issue Christians have raised in this country. From his steadfast support and propping up of Roe v. Wade as “women’s health” and his incessant flip-flopping on matters of late term and partial birth abortion, to his championing of the LGBTQ agenda, it’s clear to any reasonable person that Joe Biden the man is likely at odds with many tenets of his faith, AND far more interested in simple but effective political pandering.

As far as his calls for unity, well, once again, actions speak louder than words. As we watched the cognitively challenged candidate spar with folks on the campaign trail, we got a glimpse into Biden’s true character and personality, and how quick he is to double down on mistakes and even become combative with those who disagree with him. These are traits his campaign regularly struggled to conceal along the way. Candidate Biden also had countless opportunities to unite the country by condemning the lawlessness and violence we witnessed over the summer, but declined to do so until very late in the campaign, and only then because polls were showing it was hurting him. From his reference to Trump supporters as “dregs of society”, to berating an 83 year old man at a town hall event, calling him a “damn liar, man” while approaching him angrily, Joe Biden’s track record and political posture don’t look much like that of man intent on uniting this country.

So as gas prices begin to climb and layoffs related to his policies grow, and as the economy that was roaring back begins to sink into recession under the weight of Joe Biden’s agenda and the leftist’s false utopia, some of us will consider the overall fake news analysis of 46 in the first hundred days and swallow hard on the “I told you so”. Because in the end, we understand it is our children’s country they’re destroying.




About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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