Ignoring the real problems…

imagesI always wait a couple of days before commenting on the more controversial stories of our time. It seems there are always caveats which ultimately shape our opinions going forward with the discourse. In this case however, the facts dictate some obvious conclusions albeit with some weighty questions.

The circumstances of Michael Browns death are tragic to be sure, but not necessarily extraordinary. Confrontational and frustrated young black man crosses the line and dies in a fatal confrontation with law enforcement. A grand jury later declines to issue a “true bill” in the matter of the officer’s culpability in the death of the young man. In their judgment and after reviewing the evidence, the officer acted within the scope of his training and protocols, and in a manner consistent with that of any reasonable police officer faced with the same situation.

The cold hard truth of this case aside, missing the lessons/questions here would be regrettable to say the least. Moreover, input from any self-serving politician, including our narcissistic president does little but fan the flames of ignorance and exploitation. No my fellow Americans, the problem is a societal one, and no amount of opportunistic looting portrayed by the news media as “protesting” will change that. Who was Michael Brown and why are his parents seemingly far more involved in the circumstances of his death than they ever were in those of his life? Why does the number of black police officers in Ferguson not reflect more closely, the populous demographic? Where are the real community leaders, and do the media and Al Sharpton’s of the world bear any responsibility in the violent aftermath of the grand jury’s decision? And finally, when we hold our elected officials accountable for the generational pandering and placating that has only augmented divisions in our nation, while hindering the true racial and cultural harmony which has made us the greatest country on planet earth?

These are only some of the many questions we can ask in the wake of this unfortunate chain of events. With that said, maybe just maybe, a true leader will seize the moment and grab hold of the positive change we so desperately need, and rekindle the American spirit of God and family in the hearts of ALL citizens, so we may know and understand our best days still lie ahead.


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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