All of their tomorrows for our today’s…

This Memorial Day seems different. Everything appears turned upside down. We have a disgraced former Secretary of State and former presidential candidate preaching “truth and reason”, when she herself has set a new high bar in terms of probable and provable criminal deception. We have appointed judges openly defying the rule of law, as well as the constitutionally granted powers of the President of the United States. We have members of Congress screeching almost indiscernibly for impeachment of that president, with zero proof that he’s done anything but piss them off. We have an FBI Director who, if he testifies before Congress is likely to perjure himself, no matter his answers to questions so simple a five year-old could answer them. We have (some) college students who understand virtually nothing about their country or the freedom they enjoy because of the sacrifices of so many who came before them. We have (some) college professors whose axe to grind seems only their inability to validate their otherwise pitiful and meaningless lives, “teaching” those aforementioned little whiners. And we have a so-called “main stream press” who’ve completely abandoned the concept of unbiased neutrality in the reporting “news” to the American public, thus no longer needing to hide their true loyalties.


So what are those who gave all of their tomorrows for our today’s to think as they look down on the chaos and selfishness of this 21st Century so far? I’m not sure, but I’d think long and hard fellow Americans, about what kind of country you desire for your children. Think long and hard before you attempt to validate that which you cannot, and shouldn’t. Think long and hard before you allow your emotions, likely cultivated by media/Hollywood types whose intentions are, at best less than honorable and at worst the antithesis of liberty, negate common sense in your mind. And think long and hard before passing on the real history of this grand experiment, opting instead for the revisionism which ultimately destroys free nations in the name of failed progressive ideologies. For time is shorter than you think my friends, and your children’s tomorrows are the chips you gamble with today…

Please remember all who’ve fought in our stead, and shake the hand of someone who has served or serves and their family this Memorial Day and always…


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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Remember, "truth and reason" first...