Of pilgrims, refugees, and able-bodied military age men…

maxresdefaultIt seems re-writing history has become the hallmark of the Obama presidency. Mr. Obama’s propensity to mold and shape past events to fit his ideological view of our nation and the freedom granted it by God, would actually be entertaining if it were not so misguided and un-American.

Frankly, comparing the plight of Syrian refugees to the anguish and suffering of the Puritans of the 17th century, speaks volumes about the president’s “vision” of the historical beginnings of our free nation. In fact half of the Separatists could not even make the trip because their second ship was disabled shortly after the journey to “a new land” began, with Pastor John Robinson remaining behind never to witness his dream come to fruition. And nearly half of those who did sail on the Mayflower died before the end of the first winter in America and were buried on Cole’s Hill. There are volumes written of the hardships that brought those faithful souls to the brink of obliteration Mr. President, if you have any interest in reading them.

Mothers literally froze to death covering their babies with their own bodies so they might survive to see another sunrise, and many of the young children had to see to the daily tasks of survival because most of the adults were simply too weak from scurvy and other diseases to collect firewood and the like. This is hardly what we’re seeing on our televisions today, with more than 60% of those fleeing a war torn Syria they themselves allowed to continue over generations, being healthy able-bodied military age males. I’m sorry my fellow Americans, but those are the real numbers as are being reported by many relief agencies on the ground in bordering countries, and not the skewed UNHCR’s political numbers. And no Mr. President, the real story of “the Pilgrims”, what exactly they were fleeing and why, and the horrific events which punctuated their early days in Plymouth, are obviously facts you’re unwilling to promote. And indeed it is a true story of unimaginable faith, freedom and self-governance, and flies directly in the face of everything you’ve ever been taught (or not taught) about this country and its foundational tenets.

And so once again we find ourselves listening to our president and what sounds more like a professorial lecture than a debate or discussion on real solutions to serious national problems. Thankfully we come back to the ticking clock which will inevitably bring us to January 20, 2017, a date which we may begin the long journey back from this sad eight year academic exercise in revisionist futility, and hopefully to a new and safer beginning for our posterity. Amen…

NOTE: To be clear, I’m not suggesting by any means that our great country abandon its unequaled moral compass. To the contrary, our elected leaders must find a way to stand for humanity and embrace those of good intent. But they must first be true to their oaths and protect the necessary structure and people of the United States. Without those basic assurances, it is impossible for America to be liberty’s light to rest of the world, unfettered by the ideological hatred and barbarism of the enemies of freedom.


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Christianity, Faith, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Immigration, International, ISIS, Islamo-Fascist, Military, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The Border, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Thanksgiving 2015…

fd1b759bbdf341c98241a0ba98ebd2ee-800 (2)Our nation seems a dream of that which I remember growing up. Nothing was perfect to be sure. But that is as we know, an unrealistic expectation. I would ask though, where have our parent’s dreams gone? How did we get here from there? Why is it we will, for the first time, leave a nation far worse off than we received it for our children? I suppose that debate is contained in much of what I’ve written about these past years, and frankly in as much as I will write in the future, God willing. However, today I saw a bumper sticker that kind of summed it all up for me.

The bitten “Jesus Fish” was obviously displayed by someone whose vanity and ignorance had overwhelmed their common sense and reason to a point where they just had to be up in everyone’s face about it. I knew instantly it was a younger person, likely having received their education from a corrupt and misguided system bent on marginalizing faith while simultaneously validating this/their life void of accountability. It’s actually pretty easy to spot this growing demographic in the age of Obama.

Sadly, the bumper sticker also made me think about Thanksgiving, and what it meant long ago compared to what it means today, especially for our young people. You see I find myself more and more pessimistic about our future as a nation, wondering if the next generation will ever understand the very real foundations of a country conceived in the goodness and tenets of Christianity. Moreover, will they ever truly understand that mankind is his own worst enemy when it comes to ignoring or even re-writing history, faith-based or otherwise, so it may accommodate whatever choices are made for that moment in time? No, I’m sorry my fellow Americans, that simply never works… It never has.

For my part, I’m thankful for prayers answered and for my family. I’m thankful for the military that keeps me safe, and for my faith and all that it calms in me. And I’m thankful for a Savior who paid it forward so I might be humbled in falling, but get back up to know He’s still there. Maybe we all need a bit more of that humility and a little less vanity.

Oh, and to the selfish little jackass sporting that bumper sticker this morning, may you learn a little of that humility yourself. And hopefully before you reach a point in your life when crying out to “Darwin” ain’t gonna count for squat… Dumb ass…

Sorry, but the “Trump” in me is showing through a little this Thanksgiving…

God bless and be safe!


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Christianity, Faith, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged | Leave a comment

Veterans Day 2015…

veterans-day-hd-pics-1 It’s a special kind of hero who puts their country and countrymen before themselves. Honor them today and remember the tenets of this great nation as what makes us unique and special in the world. Then and only then may you truly understand the commitment of these brave men and women, past and present. 

God please bless the United States Military, their families, and all who go in harms way in our stead. 


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So I found this draft and figured why didn’t I ever post it??? So the president says… 8/1/2014 – Revised 10/29/2015…

335953601_lie_of_the_recovery_xlargeSo the president says: the unemployment rate has dropped faster than at any time in the last thirty years.

Reality: That’s because more folks have left the work force and/or simply stopped looking for work than at any time in a generation. Oh and when you extrapolate out for the underemployed and part time workers who want full time work, the real unemployment number, “the u-6 number”, is actually 12.2%, also the worst overall in a generation. In fact, Gen X have the worst unemployment rate, lowest credit scores, and are saving the least for retirement in the last 50 years. Oh and don’t forget the lowest Labor participation rate in the last 40 years.

So the president says: “All the decisions to rescue our economy, to rescue the auto industry, to rebuild the economy on a new foundation, to invest in research and infrastructure, education — all those things are starting to pay off.”

Reality: American industry has been decimated, just ask Detroit. Also, the consensus among larger companies (not just industrial), has now become to do more with less (fewer workers) in order to combat some of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, second only to Japan, which ironically is cutting their rate and will leave us alone at the top. Also, even considering the 4% GDP growth (before revisions) this quarter, overall average growth remains at a sputtering at best, 2%, far short of anything signifying a robust and/or growing economy. And we still have yet to realize any of those “shovel ready” jobs that were financed by the American taxpayer to the tune of nearly a trillion dollars. Our infrastructure is falling apart while entitlement spending is at the highest levels in U.S. history. Oh and latest economic growth number is a whopping 1.9% in October 2015. Pathetic…

So the president says: “The middle class have more rungs on the ladder.”

Reality: The average American middle class family is seeing the highest prices in a decade for things like food and gasoline, and is making in some cases, 6% less money than they did just 5 years ago. People have less savings and are working harder for less than at any time in the last decade, and during this “recovery”—that is, from the officially defined end of the recession (in June 2009) to the most recent figures, the median American household income has fallen by $2,380 (from $54,478 to $52,098). Source – (The Weekly Standard) – In fact “Wall Street” has benefited more under this president than any of the folks to whom he promised “more rungs on the ladder”.

So the president says: “Many Americans who lacked health insurance now have it.”

Reality: Maybe so, but 30 million still do not. Moreover, the CBO estimates that nearly 28 million will probably still “not be covered even with full implementation of the law”. Still more: Premiums have actually gone up not down for many Americans and the CBO says “expect this trend to continue”. Still more: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act still does not have a “back end” as the payment system has yet to be completed, and we still haven’t been provided with a clear picture of exactly who has signed up thus far and if they’ve actually paid any premiums. Still more: The CBO also says to expect more roll out issues in November come the second enrollment, and that even more will have to pay back subsidies awarded them in error. All this for the wee small roll out price of just shy of billion dollars. (Remember, that’s just the roll out number.) Looking at these figures so far, one has to ask, wouldn’t it have been easier and cheaper to just cut a check to every uninsured American and let them go buy their own health insurance? If you’re not outraged yet, you should be! The worst is yet to come.

Listen folks, I could go on and on. Suffice it to say the POTUS is about as full of it as he could be and running around the country trying to sell it. So when he sports that condescending grin, leans over that podium and says, “Come on along with us”, you ought to think very carefully about what that actually means for you and your family.

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", Congress, Economy, Fred Comella, Health Care | Leave a comment

Coach Joe Kennedy’s courage of conviction…

151019_joe_kennedy_tbI believe the Bremerton High School flap over Assistant Coach Joe Kennedy praying on the field after football games is indicative of our nation’s current posture. Traditional and undeniable tenets of our culture are being shunned and vilified, all while the Constitution is mangled to represent things never intended by the Framers. It’s truly a sad day in America when the 1st Amendment can be manipulated to represent just about everything, except the simple and fundamental Judeo-Christian values upon which this nation came to be in the 17th Century.

Rest assured however, if there were an effort by atheists or otherwise “non-Christian” entities to exercise what they believed were “their” 1st Amendment rights on that field, Superintendent Aaron Leavell would have been on the front page of every local newspaper defending those actions. That’s just the cold hard facts people.

To be clear, our founding documents are second only to the ancient text, which in so many ways influenced those who penned them. With that said, you-all had better take care to defend the truth contained in those documents, or leave your children to fight for it.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Christianity, Constitutionality, Education, Elections, Fred Comella, History, Home and Family, Judiciary, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Sports, The United States | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


Why am I here?

Why am I here?

I love how pretty much the entire media circus is focused on the “hyper-partisan” nature of the Congressional hearings yesterday, but the fact that as our nation’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton bungled and then mislead the American people on security at the Benghazi Compound, likely leading to the deaths of three brave American operators and one committed Ambassador, and apparently all as cover for her bosses second term presidential ambitions, seems of little consequence.

My fellow Americans, the caustic atmosphere in that hearing room yesterday is certainly a reason to be pessimistic about the future of American politics. However the bigger and more ominous picture is, that a ruthless career politician, with an indisputable history of outright deception and flip-flopping on the big issues affecting this great Republic, can garner even a single vote for the office of President of the United States.

Nevertheless, it appears the 2016 election will truly be about how some see themselves and not necessarily the candidates. Because in the end, if you can look in the mirror, and then at your kids, but still feel comfortable pulling the lever for Hillary Clinton, then being a “low information voter” is the least of your worries… #Americaindecline


Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Congress, Elections, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Islamo-Fascist, Media, Middle East, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, RIP, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Right face, Joe…

635810281031703087-AFP-545578518The loss of a son has to be unimaginably painful, in truth something I’m not sure I could ever overcome. Accordingly I’ve been inclined to cut Vice President Biden a little slack, especially in light of other tragedies he and his family have faced. Nevertheless, listening to the VP heap praise on his boss in the Rose Garden yesterday, while simultaneously promoting the failed policies and positions of his party, left little doubt in my mind that Joe Biden is as fervent and vigorous a politician as he’s ever been. And although he’s recognized the “window has closed” with regard to his own presidential ambitions, it was clear that “Old Joe” is still very much engaged in the change part of “hope and change”.

Now with all that said the VP did make a valid point and took a swipe at the “Clinton Machine” at the same time when he reminded the Press Corps that Republicans are actually our countrymen. Biden went on to say in essence, that the end game should always be working together to find the best way forward for all Americans. Just don’t know if he realized who he was standing next to when he said that…

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Nothing to see here folks. At least not until I’m elected…



I remember when our great nation would never have let the murder of those sent to represent our interests on foreign soil stand. I mean I always assumed retribution for a blind-sided and cowardly attack was coming. Not so I suppose, for the “Benghazi Four”…

Regrettably, the fall of our embassy in Libya and the savage slaughter of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty seem to have been written off as collateral damage in an effort to secure the political future of one of the most ethically challenged politicians in American history.

The problem however, is that far too many of the electorate don’t see this women’s extraordinary credibility issues as a problem for a presidential candidate. Trust me, I’m not so naïve to suggest piety on the part of any politician, right or left. However the fact that so many are willing to dismiss out of hand, the likelihood that Hillary Clinton was negligent in the commission of her duties as Secretary of State, and that negligence may have at the very least been part of the chain of events which ultimately caused the deaths of those brave Americans, is simply mind-boggling. But hell, everybody’s “sick of hearing about the damn emails”, right???

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Congress, Crime, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, Islamo-Fascist, Military, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The United States, Womens Issues | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

“Politicizing” the Second Amendment…

untitledI’m glad the POTUS finally came clean about how he “politicizes” tragedies for political gain, as if those of us paying attention didn’t already know that. Nevertheless, the argument over “gun control” is once again front and center, with the horrific events in Oregon facilitating the presidential talking points as usual. And while I take issue with nearly everything he says, I do agree that in many ways we’ve become “numb” to the violence. But certainly not for the same reasons Mr. Obama believes.

The truth is our country is suffering from a cultural shift with a sizable minority seeking to validate that shift by turning a blind eye to the societal decay going on all around us. You see the president, in keeping with his Liberal Progressive ideology, understands full well the moral courage it would take to actually address the root causes of these unspeakable acts of violence, opting instead to take the much easier route of pandering and propaganda. Moreover, there are times when he seems to lack even the fundamental starting points of common sense and good judgment necessary to move past a failed belief system to the hard work of real and tangible solutions for our Republic.

In the end, President Obama’s very core being, as learned via a lifetime drenched in the politics of anti-Constitutional and frankly anti-American rhetoric, will never allow for a sensible debate over the real ills, socially and environmentally, which drive people to commit such egregious and unconscionable acts as we witnessed in Roseburg. Thus we are left only with “politicizing” by way of irresponsible rhetoric and misinformation. Thankfully, the 22nd Amendment to the very document he’s shown little if any respect for these past seven years, limits Mr. Obama’s direct influence on such matters as of January 20, 2017.

Posted in "Patriot64", 2nd Amendment, America, Christianity, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Gun Control, Law Enforcement, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

See, I told ya’ so…

gt_senator_obama_630x420_130807I seem to remember lots of talk about this inexperienced and even unqualified upstart from Chicago wanting to be the President of the United States back in 2008. It was truly odd how a still wet behind the ears Senator, who burst seemingly out of nowhere on to the primary scene, could defeat one of the most ruthless and calculating political figures in modern history for the Democratic nomination.

I remember it well actually, arguing with the coffee house Libs and political fence-riders who were simply enamored with this “African American” ideologue whose mother was white, about what exactly were the man’s qualifications to lead the most powerful nation on planet earth. But it all seemed a foregone conclusion I suppose, that many Americans would forego an appropriate presidential candidate vetting and send to the White House, Barack Hussein Obama II, aka: Barry Soetoro (the last name of his step father which he assumed for some years), an individual with very little experience and absolutely zero executive leadership qualifications. Nevertheless, it’s nothing short of maddening to now hear some folks whining about how this POTUS has literally screwed up the entire U.S. foreign policy application in just seven short years.

Attention “We the People”! Elections do have very real and dangerous consequences x2

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So it’s “time to put the people back in charge” aye Mr. Speaker???

john-boehner-cryingWell I thought that’s what you said you would do when you wrestled control of the House from the radical “Obamabots”. Oh, so it turns out you’ve done nothing since then, except maybe talk a little tough once and awhile while cutting backroom deals with our Progressive president.

Well Mr. Boehner, your resignation looks to me like a simple but long-term culmination of a lack-luster legislative track record and inability (or lack of desire) to actually do the will of the people who gave you that gavel. Your House was elected with a mandate Sir, and under your direct leadership has failed in every possible way and on every issue. Consequently, the state of the Republican Party is such now that a cult-of-personality presidential candidate rules the day because no one has the slightest clue what you stand for anymore.

I’m sorry Mr. Speaker but this ones on you, a do nothing, pandering, cry-baby who convinced me to disaffiliate.


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Bryan Stascavage

Bryan Stascavage served two tours in Iraq and is a 30-year-old Political Science student at Wesleyan University. He recently penned an opinion piece for the university newspaper in which he criticized the “Black Lives Matter” movement. In the op-ed Stascavage questions whether the movement is serving a useful purpose based on its response, or frankly lack of response, to the associated looting, violence and anti-police rhetoric we’ve all been witnessing ad-nauseam on every 24 hour news network for some time now. Since the printing of that article, Stascavage has been vilified on campus as a racist, with some students even petitioning the university to defund the school newspaper over the flap.

I took the time to read the article recently and could find zero racism, but rather it contained some candid observations and opinions regarding the “Black Lives Matter” controversy. Now I know there are those reading this who will ask, “What controversy”!? Well that’s easy. I’m talking about the murder and mayhem which has accompanied this so-called “movement’ since its inception, as well as the main stream media’s passive collusion in terms of fairly reporting the movement’s ideology and application and how the current political climate is affecting same.

Appropriately, Wesleyan University President Michael Roth and his administration got behind Stascavage’s free speech rights stating, “”We certainly have no right to harass people because we don’t like their views,” the administration said. “Censorship diminishes true diversity of thinking; vigorous debate enlivens and instructs.” Well halleluiah! Roth went on to write in a blog post entitled Black lives matter and so does free speech, “As members of a university community, we always have the right to respond with our own opinions, but there is no right not to be offended,” Wow, I love this guy!

Sadly however, youth, inexperience and apparently a lack of journalistic intestinal fortitude have led the ‘Wesleyan Argus’ editors to apologize for Stascavage’s op-ed and its contents, citing “inaccurate statistics”. As of this letter, no response to repeated requests to Wesleyan Argus editors-in-chief Rebecca Brill and Tess Morgan for clarification.

I suppose that in Obama’s divisive America, free speech only applies to Liberal Progressive radicals advocating the murder of law enforcement officers.


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Of Constitutions and Pontiffs…

“I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”

CAGLIARI, ITALY - SEPTEMBER 22: Pope Francis delivers his speech during a meeting with young people on September 22, 2013 in Cagliari, Italy. Pope Francis heads to Cagliari on the Italian island of Sardinia for a pastoral visit that includes celebrating mass at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Bonaria. The Pope announced in May that he wished to visit the Marian Shrine of Bonaria or 'Good Air' because it gave his hometown of Buenos Aires its name. During his 10-hour visit to the city of Cagliari, the Pope will also meet workers, business representatives, prisoners, the poor, young people, leading representatives from the world of culture and the island's Catholic bishops. (Photo by Franco Origlia/Getty Images)

Jefferson’s words have been echoed through the generations by scholars, justices, and citizens of this great Republic alike. To be sure, politics has had a great influence on the “interpretations” of those words, as well as the 1st Amendment itself over the same time period. But with Pope Francis visiting the United States this week, and considering the state of moral decay in our nation approaching the near post Obama climate, the “separation” debate is as emotional and passionate as it has ever been. Accordingly, and as the father of a 13 year-old, I would have to say my biggest fear when it comes to the 1st Amendment (and all the amendments for that matter) is what I like to call “partial interpretation”, with interpretation being the more dangerous of those two words. This is true mainly because as generations pass into history, revisionists (like the President of the United States) have a much easier time “interpreting” what is likely the simplest of all the Amendments.

To be clear, the Christian history and origins of this great Republic are indisputable, if one is so inclined to do a little more research than just watching Lester Holt’s NBC Nightly News, or perusing the web-pages of George Soros’s MoveOn.org. Now does that mean depending on what we find we must all be unbendable in our beliefs and applications? Of course it doesn’t. In fact both the Founders and Framers embraced “the debate” as a means to vet out differences and find common ground. Moreover, the three branches of representative government perform a similar vetting function with no absolute or incontestable power being afforded to any one of them. However the problem starts when we seek to set aside the basic and foundational principles, which are those “self-evident” maxims on which all of that healthy debate is hinged, and on which those who came before us all agreed. When this happens we lose Jefferson’s (and the rest of the Founder’s and Framer’s) true hopes and intentions for their burgeoning country in a wash of 21st Century psychobabble, and our children are worse off for it.

Look folks, Pope Francis is clearly not Pope John Paul the 2nd, at least in the sense that he seems to embrace facets of the Obama Doctrine, which just so happens to also include glaringly anti-Catholic positions on things like abortion and gay marriage. Frankly, one would think for the leader of Catholics around the world those types of “issues” would be sticking points between the two. Instead the Pontiff appears ready to promote the politics of our very Liberal Progressive President with absolutely no moral strings attached. Even more striking is how this POTUS himself, a man so vehemently opposed to even the mention of Christian faith in our public schools, can then go before his teleprompter and so conveniently merge the church with the state when it suits his purposes. Now I may be wrong, but I think Jefferson might find this inconsistency just a tad troubling from a Constitutional perspective.

Nevertheless, we continue to see a now hastened erosion of the core Judeo-Christian value systems necessary for the longevity of a truly free society. Our family structure is collapsing, divorce and infidelity are in record territory, and our elected officials can’t even agree that slaughtering a living human being in the womb so the merchants of death can sell the body parts for profit is evil and wrong. So I suppose that if I have a message for Pope Francis on his historic visit to the United States it would simply be, “You might want to get your priorities in order Your Holiness, before you lecture (We the People) on anything”, least of all something like “Climate Change” for goodness sake…

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Christianity, Congress, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, History, Media, Politics, President Obama, Religion, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment


We will not cower. We will not be defeated. We will always rise up and be free..!

We will not cower. We will not be defeated. We will always rise up and be free..!

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, First Responders, Fred Comella, History, International, Islamo-Fascist, Middle East, Military, Terrorism, The United States | Tagged | Leave a comment

The first citizen soldiers in the “War on Terror”…

00037rFor me it’s as if it were yesterday. Frankly, I’m not sure that my wife and I have ever truly recovered if you will. We watched in stunned horror as the face of our nation changed forever. We rushed to be with one-another as the uncertainty which I’m sure has gripped other generations of Americans confronted by the evil enemies of freedom set in. Yet on this day in 2015, and as they dedicate the visitor center at the site of the crash of Flight 93 in Shanksville PA, I wonder how much of that time we’ve cast off to the winds of history. In fact when I ask younger folks today if they know of the heroism of the passengers on Flight 93, they seem perplexed, some not even knowing the significance of that fateful flight number.

In the end my fellow Americans, we will live (and die) in deference to the history right in front of our faces. And no amount of revisionism for the sake of comfort or self-validation will ever change that. It’s not all perfect here in the U.S., but ignorance to our true foundational tenets, and the intent of those who began this great experiment in the 17th Century, will only exasperate our ills and hasten our demise…

Posted in "Patriot64", 9/11, America, Benghazi, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, International, Islamo-Fascist, Media, Middle East, Military, Politics, Right vs. Left, RIP, Terrorism, The Border, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

“Lives matter”…

635769815737246761-GTY-486498402Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman summed it up rather neatly when commenting on the murder of one of his deputies. He basically told a throng of reporters gathered to hear the latest information on the investigation into Harris County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth’s murder, that political leadership and not ideological bunk was necessary at times like these. He added that inevitably, all “lives matter”. Now if CBS Correspondent Omar Villafranca lacks the basic intellect necessary to reconcile Hickman’s comments in the proper and intended context, then maybe he should seek employment as an MSNBC commentator, say shining Matthews’s shoes now and then. What an idiot…

Notwithstanding the comments of ill-formed wannabe movie stars who had to settle for being reporters, we are clearly living in difficult and dangerous times, made all the more complicated by leaders who lack the moral courage and intestinal fortitude to defend right and speak for all Americans. In 2008, Barack Obama stood before an adoring crowd and essentially wrote a check he had no intention of paying. He promised hope and change, unity and one America. Instead his legacy will likely be one of the most divisive and partisan presidents in American history. Mr. Obama has failed at every instance when he could have been a powerful leader, and has instead chosen to stoke the fires of racism and prejudice. In doing so, he has created an America which must first be healed at the societal level, and only then at the economic and international levels. Regrettably, our next president will have the unenviable task of first fixing a broken foundation before he/she can ever go about the business of passing on a stronger America to our posterity.

So you see my fellow Americans, Deputy Goforth’s murder is important not just because it symbolizes a growing rift between certain segments of society and the police, but also because it’s part of a national disease affecting the American spirit, a disease brought on by warring ideologies, drunk on power, and blind to the real symptoms of a nation which has forgotten its creed. Accordingly, the only cure for this disease is truth…

RIP peace Deputy Goforth. We have the watch… Nemo me impune lacessit

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Class Warfare, Elections, First Responders, Fred Comella, History, Law Enforcement, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Race, Racism, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, RIP, Socioeconomic, The United States | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Pretty nice lookin’ boat aye Mr. President???

Pretty nice lookin' boat aye Mr. President?

Pretty nice lookin’ boat aye Mr. President?

Isn’t it ironic that just as the POTUS is jetting around the country screaming about “climate change” while singlehandedly burning off more fossil fuel than a small city, the very real threat of China’s burgeoning Navy was shadowing him just twelve miles off the Alaskan coastline.

I don’t know about you all, but it’s difficult to think of a president more removed from reality than this one. That’s why when I hear folks all up in arms because Donald Trump didn’t know the names of a couple of pimp ISIS terrorist leaders and one Iranian low-life murdering general, I’m thinking to myself, the current President of the United States has been in office for seven years and wouldn’t recognize a real threat to the nation if it fell on his noggin.

Now the jury’s still out as to whether this is a matter of ignorance or design. Personally, I think it’s a little of both. Nevertheless, I think it’s fair to say that “Chief Executive” Trump would do a far better job of assembling an effective foreign policy team than the most “un-vetted”, inexperienced, and reckless community organizer ever elected to higher office.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, China, Fred Comella, International, Military, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Russia, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

“Deflategate” deflated…

A familiar pic...

A familiar pic…

I wasn’t surprised to learn the Patriots are actually pretty low on the “cheat sheet”, with the majority of teams having far more of their own “gates” if you will, over the years. That said, and with “Deflategate” in the rearview mirror for the time being, the Brady saga does speak to the bigger picture of always hatin’ on the champs. To be clear, there will always be those fans whose teams are shall we say, less than stellar. But in this error of feel good politics, “Liberal reconciliation” has definitely opened the floodgates of vitriolic envy and jealousy type hate. It’s almost as if success has now become the new failure.

Look, in the grander scheme of things, and even if you believe Tom Brady took a paring knife to his footballs before that play-off game, here are the facts of the matter. 1. The Colts sucked that day, a fact Andrew Luck readily admitted when asked about his teams performance in the second half with fully “inflated balls”. 2. In federal court, Roger Dodger and the NFL admitted they had absolutely squat. 3. No multi-millionaire husband of one of the sexiest women on the planet would turn over his iPhone without a warrant signed by God, (and neither would you Goodell). And finally, in an environment as feloniously challenged as the NFL, can we give a guy like Brady the benefit of the doubt for goodness sake. “C’mon man”!!!

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Prayer for the United States of America… (Originally posted in August of 2015)

11898764_910422555691360_418488767565490469_n(Considering all that’s going on around us in soon to be “post Obama” America, I felt compelled to re-post this…)

Sitting on George Washington’s front lawn with my son generated a myriad of emotions in my brain and soul. Pride, awe, fear and even sadness washed over me like the waters of the Potomac. To gaze out upon that which our first “Commander in Chief” strode with his wife Martha (Patsy to him) Washington, in tired relief after returning from Philadelphia at the close of his political career, was nothing short of breathtaking. A subsequent tour of the Mansion gave a glimpse into our national history that I hadn’t experienced since visiting the estate as a grade school student. As good fortune would have it on that hot August day, my son Zachary was chosen to place a ceremonial wreath next to the sarcophagus containing the remains of the late General while I read Washington’s prayer for his burgeoning nation. And while extreme pride and awe punctuated that day next to Washington’s tomb, I felt a profound sense of fear and sadness as I listened to the gathering crowd cackling along the manicured walkways, seemingly oblivious the posted signs requesting reverence and quiet to honor the memory of Washington.

11891218_910422585691357_706061310003643601_nMy recent trip to the DC area and Virginia was meant to be a learning experience for my 12 year-old, and it certainly was, though he probably learned a lot more than I expected he would. The National Mall and even Mount Vernon seemed merely tourist attractions rather than significant historical sites to the throngs of visitors lounging about the marble steps of the Lincoln Memorial. They were mostly oblivious to the engraved quotes and speeches that were hallmarks of Lincoln’s life. And while the history and facts were obvious and all around, many younger folks including what seemed an unusual number of overseas tourists appeared indifferent to the magnitude of what they were seeing. Arlington National Cemetery was much the same, with people chatting up the cost of lunch, completely detached from the ground they were standing on. I thought to myself, “Do these folks have any idea of the sacrifice made in theirs and their children’s names, and which permeates these grassy hills and rows upon rows of white head-stones”? And as my wife and son were the only ones to approach and shake the hand of an aging Korean War Vet sitting by a memorial to the conflict, I was actually sad as it felt like our great history was simply fading away. Indeed much had changed since 1974.


Jonathan Wood, an actor who plays the role of Christopher Sheels for George Washington’s Mount Vernon…

Now there is great debate in this time, as the Left attempts to re-write our national history while the Right struggles with its own principles. I even argue a bit with learned folks from time to time over the importance/significance of the United States of America in the “bigger picture” if you will. During our visit to Mount Vernon we had the privilege of experiencing what is called a “Through their eyes” tour which includes a factual representation of life on the estate during the colonial days as performed by a period actor. Our particular tour was represented by “Christopher Sheels”, (Jonathan Wood) the Generals personal “body servant” from 1774 until the time of Washington’s death, and it did enlighten me to many evils of slavery I hadn’t considered, while educating me on a number of other facts as well. The experience was truly amazing, however it did remind me of my struggle with the idea that some are rather comfortable with revisionism, mischaracterization, and/or allowing our storied history to evaporate like so much rye whiskey on the floor of Washington’s distillery. My mind wondering though, this had absolutely nothing to do with the riveting and wholly accurate portrayal of Mr. Sheels and his life as a slave on the Washington plantation. Quite to the contrary, my thought was that this individual should be touring U.S. school’s year round. But it did remind me of two important facts which I believe are part of the current political conversation in America and around the globe. The first is that it’s certainly incumbent upon “We the People” of this generation to pass on all of our accurate history, mistakes and missteps included, and of the “melting-pot” free people who ultimately framed our history. Secondly, though no less important to be sure, is for us to remind our posterity of the unique and frankly unprecedented contributions of men like George Washington, and also about how unlike nations past (and present), it took the United States a mere 239 years to change the world for the better and forever. Mind you these are not excuses, but rather facts which must be included in any debate.

11866450_910588339008115_421648823109577298_nIn the end, it was probably my desire to embrace the nation I’ve come to understand as the greatest arrangement for human kind under God” which brought me back to the President’s mansion on the Potomac. It may also have been that I personally needed to hear “Christopher’s” story. Or perhaps it was so my son could stand by the coffin of the man who fought so bravely on his behalf and those of generations yet to come. I’m not sure, but one thing was for certain as we left the lights of DC behind in the small windows of our US AIR jet, and it was that my grateful family would never take for granted the efforts and endeavors of the folks who laid the groundwork for the liberty we all enjoy today. Nor would we be blind to those mistakes and lessons of a generation of people born in the time of slavery, but who also recognized the greater good of their efforts and eventually forged a nation by way of much blood and enormous personal sacrifice.

Truth be told, no such nation was or ever shall be perfect. This is not in question. However, if we as a free republic cannot (or simply refuse to) see the foundational differences and historical reference points which separate us from every other nation in human history, then any efforts to reconcile true or even perceived grievances along the way remain an exercise in futility and politics. Only working together as one free people shall we overcome and “live out the true meaning of our creed”. Then, and only then, may we restore the reverence and respect I felt was so lacking in our nations capital this past summer.

Note: It was during my recent trip to Washington and Northern Virginia that I was compelled to reaffirm my allegiance to God and this nation. And though my faith is firm in the belief that the Almighty shall ultimately determine our collective destiny in America (and in the world), I’m equally determined to advance the inherent goodness of our country (with the aforementioned sins and lessons learned), through my son, in the hopes “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. Can there be any more worthy cause?

George Washington’s Prayer for the United States of America

untitledAlmighty GOD; we make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection, that thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States of America at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of The Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech thee, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen



A very special thank you to the Mount Vernon Ladies Association, who took up the cause of Mount Vernon in 1860 and have restored and preserved it for the nation ever since. Quoting:  In 1853, Louisa Bird Cunningham was traveling on the Potomac River and passed by Mount Vernon in the moonlight. Struck by its appearance, and fearing that it would soon be lost to the nation for lack of upkeep, Cunningham wrote a letter to her daughter Ann Pamela Cunningham. In the letter, Cunningham commented that “if the men of the United States would not save the home of its greatest citizen, perhaps it should be the responsibility of the women“.



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Gentle Ben…

Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson

The Republican Debate lived up to all the hype and garnered FOX News yet another ratings bonanza. That said I only have one real take away from the seemingly very early exchange.

All in both formats sounded practiced and polished with the notable exceptions of Graham and Perry. Trump was predictable while Cruz and Huckabee were determined to make their case early and often. Bush seemed scripted and Pataki sounded confused and out of his league. Oh, and I did like Fiorina. She’s one very intelligent and well-spoken professional. There was one very noticeable breath of fresh air however.

When he was finally asked some questions by the FOX moderators, Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson appeared amazingly at ease. A bit tentative at first, Carson moved quickly to make the case for civility and common sense in an age when both are in obvious short supply. His practical and factual answers on race, taxes and foreign policy began in quiet reserve and ended with powerful and irrefutable messages. Carson’s hands-on, (or in) if you will, experience dealing with human kind, when combined with his rock-solid Christian faith, give him a unique big-picture perspective. In his closing remarks on Wednesday the renowned pediatric neurosurgeon subtly reminded us that it’s not the practiced politicians and one arrogant business tycoon up on stage with him, nor the ideologically driven president in the White House, but rather “We the People” who will ultimately pick up the “baton of freedom” and hand it off to our children.

Ben Carson has consistently made the case and I agree, that only when we resist the coffee-house and water fountain politics of the day, and truly make an effort to educate ourselves as to the very basic but undeniable tenets of this “great experiment”, and only when we get back to faith, family and freedom first, may we begin to chart a course back to the opportunity and promise of the American Dream. Anything short of this will simply be more of the same…

So far so good Dr. Carson… I’m listening…

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Conduct Unbecoming…

US President Barack Obama delivers remarks on the nuclear deal reached with Iran at American University in Washington, DC, August 5, 2015.  In 1963 US President John F. Kennedy traveled the short distance from the White House to American University to muster support for diplomatic engagement with nuclear foe the Soviet Union. On Wednesday, at the same spot, President Obama will echo Kennedy's entreaty, arguing for a nuclear deal with Iran -- a country described by his predecessor as part of an "axis of evil."        AFP PHOTO/JIM WATSON

I tweeted that if the president’s comparison of Republicans to Iranian hardliners during a speech at American University yesterday was valid, then it could be said he and the Left were likely in collusion with ISIS. I’ve since pulled that tweet as I simply don’t want to be viewed as validating Mr. Obama’s petulance with any of my own.

Nevertheless, it got me thinking about how 44 has comported himself in antagonistic and “un-presidential” fashion pretty much from day-one, choosing political combat and the executive power play, over substantive debate and his Constitutional oath every time. Now I don’t say this lightly, as being president obviously makes one an object of criticism on a grand scale. And some do have thicker skins than others. However I also thought it ironic that many in the media were making comparisons to JFK, when he’d spoken about peace in the age of “cold war” in that very same venue. Well “let me be clear”, if Jack Kennedy was anything in politics it was an articulate and courteous statesman. And regardless of any of his personal trials, 35 would never have sunken to that level of partisan and unprofessional sniping.

No my little “Obamabots”, there is simply no comparison between President Kennedy and President Obama. Kennedy was a keen politician with a vision, who loved, fought and nearly died for his country. Obama is a self-absorbed ideologue, bent on exacting an ignorant revenge against a nation and culture he’s been taught to resent almost his entire life. Regrettably, his legacy will likely reflect that unfortunate political posture…

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History 101… Ignorance is really dangerous…

old-magnifying-glass-word-history-13199603During WWII more than 60 million lives were extinguished including as many as 1.5 million children. This accounted for nearly 3% of the world population in the early 1940’s. It was a time of false narratives and propaganda. Millions were swept into a whirlwind of manufactured demons, and in some cases shut out even the most basic respect for human life. Rather than promoting peace through common ideals and cooperation, demagogue politicians instead exploited the irrational fears and prejudices of the time, fanning the smoldering coals of differences and division following the first “great war” into the flames of hatred and violence that would engulf the second. Laws were violated by the very people elected to enforce them, and the people’s legislators hid from the light of accountability in order to remain in the seat of power for as long as they could. And true history was ignored and/or revised to accommodate a new, albeit dangerous and ultimately lethal world direction.

Sound familiar?

Take a good look around my fellow Americans. When we begin to ignore the lessons of history and instead place our faith in the caustic politics of divide and conquer, there will always be a price. When the Hollywood elitists who worship exclusively at the altar of fame and fortune, lend their ignorant profanity laced tirades to politicians and political matters they neither fully comprehend nor understand, there will always be a price. And when we break the ties which bind us to faith, family and justice for all human kind, then that price shall always be to re-live the mistakes of our past. Oh, and the innocent will die with the rest…

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Simply not debatable…

For some insight on the “Planned Parenthood” story, here’s one I wrote for a great Christian Newspaper based in Little Compton, Rhode Island, “The Good News Today”.

August 2015

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Mr. Soccoccio, learn English or go home..!

4100759_GAnd the same goes for the rest who refuse to assimilate…

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is saying what a lot a folks are thinking these days. So when I heard about this Italian immigrant in my home state of Rhode Island being represented by the ACLU because he wants to take his driving test in Italian, I was like, enough!

Look, my great-grandfather and many like him braved hardship and the North-Atlantic to come to this country, assimilate, and become “Americans”. They saw it as a great source of self-worth and honor to have made their way to a free land where their efforts would ultimately dictate their success. Consciously or unconsciously they seemed to understand the intent of the Framers better than most university students in the U.S. today.

To be sure, “Making America great again” will require that decent Americans learn their history and not be manipulated by groups like the ACLU which regularly bend and frankly contort the Constitution. Moreover, a simple Google search or trip to the public library will tell you all you need to know about the mindset of those who penned the founding documents and Bill of Rights, and how their hopes and dreams were most certainly predicated on E pluribus unum – “Out of many, one“.

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Not feeling so politically correct today…

obama-planned-parenthoodOne would think that in the face of so horrific a revelation as Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how they sell the body parts of aborted unborn children and use partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts as well, that the Obama Administration would at least re-evaluate its position on the matter of federal grant funding for this organization. To the contrary, it appears they’re doubling down by announcing “no consideration” will be afforded the issue of funding for Planned Parenthood whatsoever. Moreover, they’ve also announced increased scrutiny for religious organizations that don’t offer abortion “counseling”. Wow!

The “Good News” however, is that this recent shock video has finally exposed the abortion procedure for what it truly is, thus “deanesthetizing” if you will, the entire barbaric process to a complacent and misinformed public.

Truth be told, I’ve tried my best over the years to stay on the fringes of this argument, believing in my mind that it was something between a mother and God. With that said, I now feel it’s my Christian duty to speak from my heart the irrefutable truth as I know it to be, and it is as follows:

In the end there is surely forgiveness for those, who for whatever reason chose the path of abortion and who are truly repentant. In contrast, for those who continue to propagate the notion of a manufactured constitutional “right” as a means to somehow validate their wrong-headedness and the societal cancer that is abortion, you will certainly answer to a higher power than “Planned Parenthood” or the United States Supreme Court for that matter.

There, I said it…

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All is as it should be..?

ma004There appears to be some confusion about our current status and/or policy for dealing with Islamic terrorism. Many on the Right believe our president is inept or simply blind to the threat. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Now putting aside Mr. Obama’s ideology of a diminished America getting what it deserves for just a moment, one doesn’t have to be a shrink to recognize this community organizers propensity to be a college professor first. He’s certainly a member of the teachers’ lounge club who believe their “intelligence” will win the day, and that when that level of intelligence is applied to the real world, wondrous solutions to all of our problems will then materialize.

So you see when the POTUS does not even stand from his chair to address the ideological murder of four “unarmed” Marine hero’s right here on American soil it shouldn’t surprise anyone. In his mind “sxxt happens” and we’re still paying the price for the failed policies of a president who hasn’t been president for nearly seven years. Ultimately his superior intellect should save the day, and “diplomacy” as administered by “competent” academics like him will make all the difference.

Regrettably, history demonstrates that people who think like President Obama often hold on to their ignorance right until they’re standing at the gates of a concentration camp. 2016 anyone?

May God bless and embrace those brave souls lost, and shed His light and mercy on their families and fellow Marines…

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The art of the “debate”…

No, You should know better Mr. President...

No, You should know better Mr. President…

We are truly living in defining times here in the U.S. While a flamboyant presidential candidate is ridiculed by the press for telling the truth, the present occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue redefines the word debate almost hourly, leaving many Americans simply exhausted by the inconsistencies and hypocrisy of the most politically correct environment anyone can remember.

It seems the value system which paved the way for the greatest nation in human history is being systematically replaced by a product of the very freedom it was designed to promote and protect. Ironically, many of the Founders and even Lincoln nearly ninety years later wrote of a possible future not unlike that which we’re now living through today, a time to guard against turmoil and danger from within, an age of redefinition that would embrace intolerance and hate disguised as “hope and change”.

My fellow citizens, the battle back for America begins and ends with a fundamental understanding and acceptance of those tenets contained in the Declaration, albeit combined with the hard lessons of the last 240 or so years. Accordingly, if our “educators” are not beginning each classroom day with this truth, then we’ve lost that battle already.

Posted in "Patriot64", 1st Amendment, America, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, History, International, Islamo-Fascist, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Presidential Election 2016, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The United States | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Checking the Liberal numbers…

gun-control1So I’m watching the news and I hear Democrat Chris Murphy lauding stats from you guessed it, the “Every Town for Gun Safety” bunch, who are claiming a shooting a week occurs in schools across the country. Really? Well, not so much it turns out…

The commentators do a pretty good job extracting the real numbers. But the fact is the gun control debate is one where you’re gonna have to do your homework if you wanna participate. Because when an anti-gun zealot like Murphy gets up on the floor of Congress and claims 52 school shootings a year without context, and when the actual number is more like 10, (with even that number in doubt as it doesn’t match federal statistics largely because of fuzzy facts having to do with the actual events themselves), there is serious cause for “Bill of Rights” alarm. Agencies like ETGS are notorious for padding their stats using shooting competitions, suicides, and even shootings in surrounding communities (near schools) if they can’t make the numbers work. They’ve also at times created a whole new age group for “child” gun violence to include 16-21 year gangland shooters. Sorry people, but those “little tots” aren’t children.

Nevertheless, make it easy on yourselves and do two things:

1. Know and understand the Second Amendment is a right and not a privilege, and
2. Stick with reliable and verifiable sources, even government stats from say, the FBI, CDC, BATFE, etc., etc… At least you’ll have real facts on hand to help you form an opinion, and not the politically slanted babble of guys like Murphy and his “Every Town for Gun Safety” crowd.

Don’t be fooled by these pandering charlatans masquerading as all-knowing and all caring my friends. They are simply enemies of the Constitution who mean to strip you of your rights in classic Obama fashion, by lying to you…

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Told ya so…

obamacareSo healthcare is finally revealed for what it is, a grand illusion performed by our president to a sleepy and complacent audience (us). Now I know I’m gonna catch heck for this one, but Mr. Obama operates much like a jihadist who reconciles the lies he tells as necessary for the furtherance of the cause. Using just Obama-care as one example, it’s now plain for everyone to see that ACA was never going to be paid for, and that the “16 million” people who now have “coverage” are largely entitlement folks whose healthcare is subsidized by your premiums and eventually your increased taxes.

Anyway, the president finally admitted recently with a coy smile, “Premiums will go up”. Well isn’t that a shocker from the man who adamantly stated those very same premiums would actually go down while he was selling this whole nightmare to “We the People”.

Wake up call for the Obama-bots and fence-riders: Healthcare costs and premiums will continue to spiral out of control and the ACA will become the biggest drag on the American economy in the history of our country…

Told ya so… Oh and, Happy 4th!

Posted in "Obamacare", "Patriot64", America, Congress, Constitutionality, First Responders, Fred Comella, Health Care, Holidays, Home and Family, National Debt, Politics, President Obama, Rhode Island Local, Right vs. Left, Socioeconomic, Taxes, The United States | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Independence Day 2015…

Happy-Independence-Day-Mia-LoveIt seems everywhere we turn these days less than honorable folks are attempting to re-write history and portray our nation as something evil. Even our so-called educators are now indoctrinating our children and filling their heads with false narratives, designed not only to diminish our storied past but to promote a society free of accountability and permeated with division. In spite of all this suffocating Progressive hatred however, the American dream glows like a small ember just waiting for the patriotic oxygen that will breathe life into the roaring fire of Liberty once again.

I was correct back in 2008 when I predicted this president would be the lightning rod for the Left. However I must be forthcoming and tell you that even I’ve been taken back by the level of ideological warfare he’s waged on the Constitution. That aside, and as it’s always been these nearly 240 years, we may control that which God does not by way of the ballot box soon enough. And as that day grows closer, may we be resolved to do our homework, know our history, keep it well, and realize our great republic once again.

I will end with the closing of a short speech my boy and I will read in church this weekend as we celebrate our nation’s independence…

DaddyIn the end, opinions and beliefs are formed and reformed with time, experience and education. This was true of the Founders as well. Their own personal experiences molded them into the men we read about today. The truth of the matter however, is that attempting to re-write history by only cherry picking the historical quotes and snapshots out of the necessary context, is irresponsible and even reckless when looked at through the eyes of the children to whom we shall pass this great endeavor. Therefore it is incumbent upon “We the People” to move beyond even what my son and I have brought you on this Independence Day.

FactOn the 2nd of July 1776, brave patriots embarked on a long and uncertain journey. Some would lose everything in their pursuit of liberty. They were hopeful and scared in the same moment, but most assuredly and humbly sought the protection of “Almighty God”, and the wisdom contained in the greatest book ever written by the hand of man.

SonGod please send your blessings down upon the United States of America, and upon all who go in harm’s way to defend her.

Thank you

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Of Flags and Men…

29DAF91600000578-0-image-m-8_1435777581251The Confederate flag as most know it today actually has a number of variants, the most recognizable being the square battle flag adaptation, or the official and more rectangular Confederate flag. The commonly misused “stars and bars” phrase actually refers to an earlier version of the flag that looked more like the “Stars and Stripes”. The historical foundations of the “rebel flag” are many and vary depending on the slant of the documenting resource. Suffice it to say, the flag was the culmination of input from many sources and came to symbolize the resolve of the South during the American Civil War.

Now it doesn’t take a historical genius to understand the deep roots of slavery in the South at the time of the Civil War, and we certainly shouldn’t ignore those roots. However the opportunistic and hypocritical race baiting by the Left in this country after the murders in Charleston last month, along with the caustic mischaracterizations of a willing and complicit “main stream” press, are irresponsible to say the least. Now putting aside the indisputable numbers showing fully 91% of blacks murdered in the U.S. in 2012 were murdered by other blacks, and 85% of whites by other whites in 2013 for just a minute, the truth of the matter is during the middle 19th Century most Northerners needed, shall we say, a whole lot of convincing in terms of emancipation, with many vocally indifferent to the notion at best. My point is the road to the high ground in terms of “all men are created equal” during that period was anything but smooth under either flag. The South simply had more to lose in economic terms.

The problem as I see it today is there are misguided and truly manipulative folks among us, hell-bent on re-writing history so as to portray an evil nation that has never learned its lesson. This societal mindset is necessary to facilitate Left-Wing electoral causes like class-warfare, racial division, and entitlement. Well shame on these fools who simply refuse to grasp the very freedom which allows for their ignorance, and shame on the press for shirking their journalistic integrity and responsibility to the truth. The fact is history tells us that the United States of America was indeed a rebellious nation forged amid violent revolution. But this is true because her people have risen to the higher causes of moral injustice more often than any other country in human history, (and as it turns out, would do so even within her own borders). Now the timing of our “rising” if you will was/is never what life’s inexperienced classroom types see as adequate. But it doesn’t change the fact that in just 239 years this republic has set the standard for liberty, and thus become the standard–bearer target for true evil doers around the globe.

No friends, it’s just not that easy. You can’t take down a flag, mothball a few Civil War hero statues and expect to silence history. Eventually it will break free and bite you. Where do we draw the line on this type of purging? Where does it stop and who makes that call? Sounds like something you might hear about in the former Soviet bloc doesn’t it?

The American Civil War with all of its flags and monuments was a pivotal and critical time for our country, and it represents our ability as a nation to embrace our own history, for good and bad, and heal by way of it. So I call on our president, and pandering politicians on both sides of the aisle to stop dividing us but rather unite us. Put aside your ideology and/or selfishness, serve your oath-of-office, mind your history in the full context, and quit being part of the problem… Oh, and that last part goes for you too NASCAR….

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Hitching a ride on a failed presidency…

U_S_-warshipQuite frankly, whether it’s the Administration’s failure to lead on really any level internationally, or the president’s own indifference to our military which provides for the freedoms we enjoy, I think it’s fair to say that the status of our great nation abroad has been diminished so as to eclipse even the dreaded Carter years. However this latest revelation about our military posture is something unprecedented in the modern application, and leaves a plethora of unanswered questions concerning American military readiness going forward.

So when I heard the suggestion that our expeditionary Marines might now have to ride shotgun on foreign warships for lack of our own vessels, I thought it was a joke, only to confirm the story this afternoon. What in the world is going on at the Pentagon? Have these people lost touch with reality, or are they simply crippled with fear of this president who claims openly now to have none?

The politics of debate between Left and Right has always intrigued me. I’ve enjoyed the back and forth as part of the process of democracy in action, with both sides (hopefully) focused on a better republic under law. But this kind of stuff is just ignorant nonsense, the kind of dangerous college psychobabble which always accompanies inexperience and a fundamental lack of the good judgment and historical knowledge necessary to lead the most powerful nation on planet earth. It makes me sick for the amount of time it will take to reverse the damage this foolishness has done to the United States these past seven years, and for our children whose futures have been compromised and/or jettisoned for the sake of it.

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SCOTUS gets it wrong x2…

SCOTUSChief Justice John Roberts flew in the face of his own vote on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act subsidies when he penned the dissent for the minority in the “same sex marriage” decision today. Roberts reminded us that we’re a nation of laws, not men. Ironically, he would’ve done well to apply that same logic when considering yesterday’s Obamacare ruling. That aside, the Chief Justice was correct when he wrote: “If you are among the many Americans — of whatever sexual orientation — who favor expanding same-sex marriage, by all means celebrate today’s decision. … But do not celebrate the Constitution. It had nothing to do with it.”

Truth be told, from the very beginning of this debate it’s been about the “will” of men and not the Constitutional merits of the question. Had the argument truly been about Constitutionality, the vote would have had to have gone the other way.

Frankly I don’t really care who you sleep with. Nevertheless, force feeding the same-sex marriage question to a general public petrified of being perceived or labeled as politically incorrect, will never garner the desired heartfelt belief or response. Moreover, while I consider myself to be “tolerant of tolerance”, all the SCOTUS victory’s in the world can’t force me to accept and/or validate another person’s lifestyle choices, which is actually what the same-sex marriage debate is all about.

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Please pray for the victims and their families...

Please pray for the victims and their families…

Notwithstanding the president’s misguided ideological assessment of the violence in Charleston, I’ve still been hesitant to engage in the inevitable debate over gun control which always seems to be at the top of the Liberal solution list. I suppose the words of Progressive stalwart Rahm Emanuel, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”, still apply.

Truth be told, I’m pretty tired of quoting statistics and hard facts with which I regularly debunk the band-aide pandering and politics of the Left. I’m tired of hearing these hacks blame our Constitution for the very societal ills they themselves created by way of generational welfare and the destruction of the American family unit. I’m tired of listening to the “main stream media” fan the flames of evil and hatred for the sake of the nightly ratings war. And frankly, I’m fed up with listening to the Obama Administration nonchalantly offer up a trashing of our great nation for the entire world to hear once again.

For my part, and at least for the short term, I’m content to take some solace in the words of forgiveness spoken so easily and soulfully by those whose lives have been forever scarred by the events of this past week. Their faith and confidence in God will help me to find the right words soon enough…

Posted in "Patriot64", 2nd Amendment, America, Christianity, Civil Rights, Class Warfare, Constitutionality, Fred Comella, Gun Control, History, Law Enforcement, Media, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, Race, Racism, Right vs. Left, RIP, The United States | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Memorial Day 2015…

memorial-day-observed-arlington-virginiaI think it’s fair to say our young nation has had its share of growing pains these nearly 240 years now. Notwithstanding those difficulties, the intent and vision of our founders and the documents born of their struggles are without compare in all human history. A simple reading of the cost to so many of the “signers” would tell anyone not blinded by ideology that the price was indeed heavy but well worth it.

On this Memorial Day 2015 we take stock of a nation wounded by the politics of division. For this reason, and faced with the reality of a “Greatest Generation” gone away, we must double our efforts to teach our children of the liberty so many have died to defend. They must understand that no matter what they might be told by any misguided academic, opportunistic politician, or foolish ideologue who takes their freedom for granted with reckless abandon, America ultimately stands like no other nation in recorded history for the God given freedom of the Declaration. And that no cause but for that of God Himself was so important to human kind that free men and women would willingly forego their own futures to preserve its longevity. Let us begin with that in our classrooms today.

May God bless all those who have fought and died in my stead so that I may have a country, a free country…!


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“More probable than not”…

Tom Brady

Tom Brady

That statement can be viewed through a lot of lenses. But in the case of this “Wells Report” it really gives me pause. Putting aside the opportunistic gibberish we’ve seen in the tabloids from the haters in New York, Miami and Indianapolis, (coincidentally all the losers), Roger Goodell and the NFL lack even the most infinitesimal bit of credibility necessary to levy any sanctions against New England Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady. Mind you I’m not condoning cheating in any of the professional sports, however any accusation must be a formal one, with a determination and substantiation such that it would warrant punitive action.

In the interest of disclosure, I’m a Patriots fan of the highest sort and have been since I was a boy. With that said, what we have here is a shady investigatory bunch, brought in by a national sports league with major credibility issues in terms of its handling of players committing crimes punishable by significant jail time, attempting to appear fair and impartial with a finding of “more probable than not”. Really?

In the end people, when a scientist tells us that the difference in weight of a regulation football and the alleged underweight balls is equivalent to that of a dollar bill, and legendary quarterbacks like Joe Theismann dismiss the differences as “negligible” at best, one has to assume there might just be “a little hatin goin on”

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Execution expectation…

18marathon-web-master675Denise and Bill Richard have suffered an unimaginable loss. As a father, I shudder at the thought of the pain they must be feeling. So when Mr. and Mrs. Richard spoke out against the death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev last week, it gave me pause. After reading their statement however, I’m comfortable with their position and actually have a greater understanding of it.

On one hand, and as a former correctional officer at the state and federal levels, I can say with confidence that prison is neither the deterrent nor rehabilitative measure it was/is intended to be. There are many reasons for this, political and otherwise. (For now though, let’s just say I remain in awe of the CO’s and staff who manage to pull it off every day, providing the critical custody and control necessary to ensure the safety of the general public). On the other hand, and despite overwhelming evidence and a lack of remorse on behalf of the offender in this case, the idea that a sentence of death would actually be carried out fairly, and on a timetable consistent with true justice, is simply wishful thinking.

Consequently and whether you support the death penalty or not, the Richards lack of faith in “the system” is certainly understandable. To this quintessential American family, forever scarred by the violence of a brutal and insane ideology, the pain of reliving their loss every time that inhuman bastards name is mentioned during the appeal process would simply be too much to bear.

Posted in "Patriot64", America, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, Islamo-Fascist, Media, Middle East, Political Correctnness, Politics, President Obama, RIP, Terrorism, The Border, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Presidential faux pas… Again???

Obama-NPROnce again the POTUS has taken the low road, this time during an NPR interview with Steve Inskeep, when he suggested Governor Scott Walker “bone-up” on his foreign policy. With all due respect to the office, Mr. Obama just can’t seem to grasp the gravitas associated with the presidential seat of power, and thus continues to make himself appear petty and beneath the presidency. Governor Walker may be only a lowly “unannounced” candidate for the office Barack Obama currently holds, but the president of all people, should understand the value of even a potential candidate engaging on the hot button issues of the day. To be sure, short timer and (voting “present”) then Senator Obama absolutely shredded President Bush as he prepared for his run at the White House.

My point is, President Bush took great pains to at least appear unflustered by the rabid criticism coming from the Left, as I believe he felt responding from the mud would only diminish the office for which he recognized he was only a temporary occupant. President Obama however, seems either willingly indifferent to the presidency in terms of any perceptions or the expectations of “We the People”, or simply incapable of the very necessary and professional restraint attached to so public an elected position.


Posted in "Patriot64", America, Foreign Policy, Fred Comella, International, Middle East, Politics, President Obama, Right vs. Left, Terrorism, The United States, United Nations | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

He is risen..!

Mark 16:6
“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.

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Good Friday 2015…

As I prepare to remember the sacrifice of my Lord and Savior this evening, I recall Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of the Christ”. I watch it every year at the time of Easter, and this scene has always defined how I view that “Good Friday” so long ago.

Yeshua was indeed God made into flesh. But he was also a mother’s son. How difficult it must have been for the woman who knew He was born to Her to bear the sin of the world. And how lowly are we who so often take that gift for granted…

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