The Rebranding of America…

AP080908020714I’ve taken a lot of heat for my criticism of the POTUS, albeit mostly from the constitutionally challenged and/or hypocrites filled with the very hate and intolerance they claim to abhor. Nevertheless, and as the president navigates an endless stream of scandals and missteps, I ‘m more inclined to believe he should never have been elected in the first place. But there’s a caveat, something much more disconcerting than just an unqualified and “packaged candidate” for higher office and the damage they might do if elected. Plainly said, it all comes back to “We the People”.

To be sure, one doesn’t have to look much further than our public schools to behold the myriad of revisionism and outright misinformation being shoved down our children’s throats, as at least a partial indication of how our young people view the presidency and the nation. No, the election and subsequent re-election of our nation’s first (bi-racial) president is all on (we the current generation). Whether it was his extremely thin resume, or ability to utilize a teleprompter like no politician in recent memory, or maybe it was his uncanny ability to govern from a position of indifference and political isolationism. Regardless, Barack Hussein Obama and his ilk have succeeded in forcing the reality of “American Exceptionalism” right out of the “American Dream”, replacing it instead with big government ideology and an entitlement mentality the likes of which has destroyed and is destroying nations around the globe even today. Make no mistake; I’ve always said we’re not a nation without flaws. But it is our people and their historical and exceptional use of liberty for the betterment of themselves, their families and their country, which make the United States the last best hope for mankind.

So how then does one man and his ideology convince enough folks to invest in his version of the aforementioned American Dream you ask? Well, say what you will about “free stuff” and the promise of legislative validation for whatever, and I do mean whatever you believe or engage in, because that kind of divisive politics does have its victories, albeit mostly on the backs of those fat and willfully uniformed. I’m actually speaking of the “ten percenter” though. That person who for whatever reason is willing to compromise their children’s future for the sake of a continuing PC acceptance down at the local Starbucks Wi-Fi lounge. These are the voters who elect presidents. Unwilling to engage the relentless sycophants for fear of being labeled politically incorrect, or worse yet a “racist” who hates our (bi-racial) president just because he’s black, these status oriented individuals seem almost paralyzed by what can only be described as a media propagated alternate reality…

Regrettably I’m stumped for a cure to the cancer overtaking the American culture in the 21st Century, and I’m not even sure if President Obama bears any culpability as he’s obviously a product of that culture, elected twice by a majority of free people. With that said, I believe with all my soul that the road back for America begins and ends with education. And not just an education in terms of any perceived financial success it might bring, (as most of our college youth singularly embrace), but rather a historical education that does not necessarily sugarcoat a nation’s growing pains, and does embrace the foundational reality of its many successes.

In the end, our kids may never know the origins of this hard fought freedom we enjoy today, if we make no effort to counter the ideological revisionism being thrust upon them by a disgruntled and mal-adjusted minority. Parents must toil every day to ensure their kids truly understand America and what it means to a world changing, and not necessarily for the better. With the wisdom and experience of the “Greatest Generation” all but gone, and as we’re now watching the systematic undoing of everything which sets us apart from the failed and Socialistic efforts of other industrialized nations, I ask you all, what greater responsibility could you have in this life?


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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