Truth and Reason First…

I’m not naïve to the ways of Washington to be sure and I realize the two political parties do their best to each sing with one voice, though the Democrats seem to do the best job of it. But does it scare anyone else that the vast majority of the news media today seem to join the chorus of only one of those parties? Does it give you concern that the “big three” and most cable news networks, albeit those with the lowest ratings, seem to have an unholy alliance with the progressive left wing of the Democrat Party in our country? Well it should.

Now again, I understand the press have collectively leaned left for some time. Nevertheless, there no longer appears to be any shame in showing it on national TV. You can scan the channels and hear the same key words and talking points as if Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer were speaking themselves. Gone are the days when the network darlings at least tried to give the impression of objectivity. For instance, CNN and it’s corporate leadership have all but stated their allegiance to the Democrats and declared an information coup d’état against a duly elected president of the United States. Their reporters regularly engage, (not ask questions of), the POTUS in disrespectful and arrogant tones as if mocking his Constitutional authority and office. It’s unprecedented and never would have occurred during the Obama Presidency. In addition, ABC louds a “talk show” where four virulent left-wingers mercilessly pound on one Conservative token host to the delight of the daytime and mostly female audience. These are but a couple of examples of a systemic and corrosive problem consuming the American press/media today. Let’s face it, in the age of modern media, debate and bipartisanship are fast becoming outdated, while newly elected and wholly unqualified members of Congress promote feelings over facts and are then hailed as champions of the people for it.

FLASH! This is more dangerous than any issue we face today. For if our posterity are bombarded daily with a single version of events, a version tainted by ideological hatred and personal bias, then how can we expect they will be principled and make educated decisions based on truth and reason first? Absent true history and the facts of our foundation as a nation, how may we ask them to grab hold of and protect freedom for their children? Finally, how is the free press to survive as an integral part of liberty, when it surrenders it’s responsibility to a single voice, government or other? I’m sorry friends, but it’s what I see happening and its scarily reminiscent of Germany in the mid 1930’s. Now more than ever, we must not be complacent. Do your homework, please…


About Fred Comella

Fred Comella (Patriot64) is a Christian/Conservative writer who left his very blue home state of Rhode Island behind for the free state of Florida. His articles have appeared in print around the globe and he is regularly attacked by the Progressive Left for his positions on the issues of the day. Comella used the corruption and ideological warfare rampant in his old home state as a launching pad for his national writing. Read on and join in the discussion. Your input is Constitutionally protected and always welcome…
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Remember, "truth and reason" first...